Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Josh POV


I walk down the hallway towards Mikey Locker, Clutching my keys in my pocket.

A girl stares at me and smiles. I smirk at her but then realize what I am doing and keep walking.

"Hey Mikey!" I yell when I see Mikey close his locker.

Mikey waves and starts walking towards me.  

"What's up?" He asks. 

"Well....Chloe and I are officialy dating!" I say with a smirk. 

"Really that's good! How you liking her?" 

"She is actually...."

"Actually what?" Mikey asks. 

"Pretty amazing!" I smile. 

Mikey laughs,"I was totally waiting for an opposite answer! But that's good! Your 3 months start now! You think you can manage?" 

I nod, "Yeah I actually think I can for once!" 

A brunette comes up to me and touches my back, "Hey Josh!" She says.

I smirk,"Hey Gabriella!" She winks at me than walks away. 

"Yeah you can't do it!" Mikey says. "You always say this girl is the one but she never is! So actually take the time to look at Chloe, and not in the way you think! See what her mind is like! You never know! She could end up to be something amazing that you never expected! You have 3 months! See you at practice!" Mikey walks away. 

I sigh and look up to the celing grabbing my neck 

Chloe POV


I slide my textbook into my bag trying to hurry out of class.

My braid starts to fall down my shoulder as I speed walk down the hallway.

I see Paige close her locker. "Paige!" I yell.

She sees me and starts to walk the other way. I run towards her.

When I finally catch up with her I grab her shoulder and spin her around facing me.

She tries to get out of my grip but I grab onto her tighter. 

"You don't need to speak just listen." I say looking straight into her eyes. 

"I've been thinking and I'm really sorry for how I acted. I know if I was in the situation you were in I would've stopped to look and see if you were doing alright. And you don't have to say anything I just really wanted you to know that I am sorry for the way I acted. I shouldn't of yelled at you for checking to see if I was okay. We haven't been on good terms lately and I really want to be." 

Paige looks at me and sighs, "I am sorry too. I should've just asked you how it was  going instead of spying on you. And I want to be friends again!" 

I smile, "Me too! And I also want you thank you!" 

She looks at me.

"Thank you for setting me and Josh up. If it weren't for you Josh and I still wouldn't be talking to eachother. And dating!" I smile.

Paige's mouth drops, "So it is true! I knew it! Tell me all about it!" 

I laugh, "Well..."////end of chapter 14

Awe! The twinnies are back together! Sorry I didn't post a chapter this weekend. I will be more up to date soon! :) Love you all! 

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