He defends you when a fan is abusive

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Holding hands with someone you love is a feeling I genuinely can't describe. When you think about it, it's not always about possession. Obviously it can be, but for Marcus and I, it was all about maintaining contact. Showing your significant other that you're there without telling them so.

It was reassurance.

We had just been to a small café, both of us had a stressful week so we'd taken some time out of our stressful schedules and had gone out for a date.

How can someone be hot and cute at the same time? I thought as I gazed across the table at him. His forehead was slightly creased as he scanned his eyes over the menu, pulling his lip between his teeth in concentration.

It made my heart flutter.

Marcus must have sensed he was being watched, because it wasn't long before he lifted his gaze to meet mine. A slight smirk stretched across his face as he noticed me practically drooling over him.

"Hey" he said cockily.

I rolled my eyes fondly as a soft blush spread across my face. He ordered a cappuccino and a slice of chocolate cake while I ordered a hot chocolate with a millionaire shortbread.

The sweet smell of coffee tinged the air while the sound of a blender could be heard from across the shop. It was such a calming vibe.

Marcus reached across the table and grabbed my hand, entwining our fingers and bringing our hands up to his lips to kiss mine.

"Stop being so cute I might pass out" I said quietly, but of course he still heard me because his smile grew even bigger if possible.

"Not possible babe" he jokingly laughed.

The sound of his laughter was enough to lighten up any foul mood I had, but just being near him already did that. Not to mention his perfect teeth and fluffy hair that I just wanted to run my fingers through-

"Y/n?" he asked sweetly, snapping me back to reality.

"Sorry, I was just..."

The sight of Marcus with his mouth full of cake, his cheeks full and crumbs going everywhere almost made me melt. I started laughing and it was his turn to become embarrassed as he wiped them away, a cute pout gracing his lips.

"Aw, if only you could see yourself!" I laughed, basking in his embarrassment. He shook his head in amusement, adding more cake to his fork and leaning across the table to give me some. As if I wasn't already dying of his cuteness overload.

After finishing our food and drinks, we left the café and headed down the street, my hand easily finding his. It was so warm, and his warmth spread all the way up my arm, causing a cheesy grin to form on my face. Marcus was about to comment on it when another voice interrupted him.

"Yo, is that Rashford?"

Marcus turned to where it had come from, two lads were standing there, one much taller than the other. They must be fans. The shorter one noticed me first, nudging his friend when he did.

"Oh, so this is your little girlfriend? Not gonna lie mate, you could do so much better than this gold digger" he laughed and his friend joined in, it felt like my heart fell to my stomach hearing those words.

"She couldn't be further from a gold digger if she tried. I'm not your mate either, please leave us alone" Marcus harshly spoke, his grip on my hand tightening. This only seemed to make them laugh more, and the taller man stepped closer, taunting Marcus.

"I don't know if its sad or hilarious that you think she would be with you for anything other than your money, you must be delusional" came his ignorant reply, and he wasn't stepping away.

"I suggest you leave. NOW." Marcus threatened, moving closer to the 'fans' and pushing me behind him, forming a protective stance.

"Or what? You trying to look good in front of your girl?"

Marcus got right in his face this time, the vein in his neck popping out. Although this fan was quite tall, Marcus had a 4 inch advantage and although this didn't seem to put the fan off, it must have crossed his mind. The fan must have felt slightly threatened, because barely a moment of intense eye contact had passed before he reached out and shoved Marcus. He stayed strong on his feet and didn't fall that far back.

Marcus closed the distance again and right handed the fan across the face, catching his cheek, nose and the corner of his mouth. Blood began to pool out of his nose, and the fan reached up to touch it. Anger hardened his face, and he lunged forward again to try and tackle Marcus to the ground.

It went the opposite way.

Marcus went for his legs and held him on the ground, hitting him over and over again. The other fan attempted to haul him off his friend, but Marcus was clearly stronger. He eventually stopped, stood up and shoulder barged the other fan out of his way as he turned and headed back to where I hadn't moved in fear since the whole interaction.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw the fans starting to run away, the taller one holding his nose as he went.

"I don't need to look good in front of my girl when you made it so easy for me" Marcus shouted over his shoulder, watching them go before meeting my scared gaze. His eyes were still blazing with rage, but when they locked onto mine they instantly softened. He wrapped his strong arms around me and pulled me into him, resting his head on top of mine. I was shaking and trying to stop the tears from escaping, but I knew he felt it.

"Shh, its ok. I've got you baby." He whispered soothingly in my ear, rocking us in an attempt to comfort me. I don't know how long we stood there, in each others arms, holding each other. Eventually we broke apart, and he held my face to maintain eye contact.

"Thank you" I said after a while. I opened my mouth to say something else, but he seemed to know what I was about to say.

"Don't. I know you're not a gold digger and so do you. Don't let someone you know have that type of power over you, its not true and we both know it. Now lets go home and do whatever you want, ok?"

Despite the situation, I smiled.

"Thank you for defending me. I'm sorry our date was ruined."

He sighed, laced our hands together and led us down the quiet street.

"It wasn't ruined. I had a great time." We carried on walking.

"And y/n? I'll always protect what's mine".

Marcus Rashford imagines ;)Where stories live. Discover now