"I know I know it just really hurt." I sniffed.

"I know." He nodded. "But just give him the silent treatment a little longer." He whispered with a smirk. Which caused me to smile back.

"Sorry I sound really dramatic."

"Nah you don't." He clapped his hand on my shoulder. "Come on we have an extremist teenager to fight."

"Yeah...do we have any pain killers...my shoulder is killing." I gestured to it.

"Uh here." He reached into a cupboard and pulled out a bottle. "Want me to give you one?" He asked. I was glad that he asked because if he gave me those pills about 8 years ago I would have swallowed them all.

"No thankyou...you can watch me take them if your worried." I poured out two pills and dry swallowed them. "Ugh that was horrible." I grimaces at the taste.

"Yeah now that you're all dosed up let's go...I'll get optimus prime."

¤☆¤☆¤☆¤☆4 hrs later¤☆¤☆▪︎☆¤☆¤

No words were passed between neither Bucky nor I. I was going to take Sam's advice. I mulled over the arguement we had and I realised how pissed off I actually was because during the arguement I just felt upset but now I was aggravated...dare I say angry.

We were walking down one of the Latvian streets when Sam's phone rang. A concerned look came across his face and both Buck and I looked at him...matching the exact same look. "WHAT." He yelled through the phone. "Hold on hold on I know. I know." He kept speaking. "Listen...pack an over night bag and take the boys." Oh god now I was worried. Well I was worried before but you know what I mean.

"What happened?" I asked trying to keep my voice soft if he was stressed I didn't particularly want to sound venomous.

"Karli called Sarah. She threatened my nephews." Sam said somberly. I wasn't all to familiar with the concept of Sam having nephews but I knew he had them. He returned back to his phone and began talking again. Bucky and I turned our attention to what was infront of us. Even though Sam was between us I still felt the tension. It felt like a boa constrictor winding it's way through the atmosphere and squeezing all sense of normality. Contorting it into uncomfortable ways.

I could tell Bucky knew I was angry because he made no move to even acknowledge me. I'd never really been mad at Bucky before so I guess he just thought the best option was to avoid the problem until it inevitably evaporated. But guess what. I wouldn't let it. Anyway back to the matter at hand.

"Karli wants to meet. She left a contact number." As if on cue Sam's phone went off. I wanted to give him the privacy of not looking at his phone but I did anyway. "She said come alone."

"No...were coming with you." I butted in.

"She said n-" Sam began.

"We are coming with you Sam." Bucky stated more assertively than me. Well it seemed to do the job because Sam caved.

"Fine let's go to the building." We walked towards a archaeic building well I wouldn't say archaeic but it was old. When we approached it Sam came to a bag tucked behind a trash can and when Sam pulled the contents out it revealed Sam's suit.

"So do you just have a disposable amount of fucking wings what is this a fucking aviary?" I asked with a huff. I swear I've seen him wear at least 5 different suits.

"Yeah well you got your powers...megatron here is well...megatron so I got my wings." Sam reasoned. Fair point I guess but like come on he's got loads. He quickly pulled his wings on very his head along with the rest of his equipment and then we were all set.

Sam walked into the square of the building and let's just say Sam was out for blood. "KARLI." He yelled. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a bundle of red hair pop out of one of the balconies. There she was. We bolted up the stairs and Sam was faced with the young girl. "You called my sister that's how we are going to play this?"

"I would never hurt her. I just wanted to understand you better...I see you um didn't come alone." Karli noticed Buck and I stood a little further behind Sam. Again neither of us looked at eachother just Karli.

"You have to end this now." Sam said lowly in his gravelly voice.

"I  don't wanna hurt you." Her British voice said. I wasn't going lie she was really pretty. "You're just a tool in the regimes I'm looking to destroy...you're not hiding behind a sheild...if I were to kill you it'd be meaningless." She sneered.

"You are quite the charmer aren't you?" I called out from where I was stood. Karli's eyes briefly flickered to me before back to Sam.

"I was going to ask you to join me...or do the world a favour and let me go." She almost begged. I saw Sam's demeanor change.


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