I miss you (pt 1)

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It's been a year, maybe two?

Hajime couldn't remember, he wished he doesn't have to.

Staying at California was a blast, he had friends, he had a loving girl- well, ex girlfriend that turned into one of his closest friends.

He still had his two crack head of friends, Issei and Hiro. Those two even booked a ticket to come during his birthday. They even video called on fridays though Hajime often stayed up extra late for it due to the difference in time zones.

Like right now.

"God hajime- you can't seriously still be thinking about him?"

Hiro asked, groaning lowly while running his fingers through his hair.

"You know I can't help it Makki"

He huffed, looking at into his webcam and pouting miserably.

"You should forget him, he forgot about you first"

Mattsun mumbles and Makki nodded from his place on his boyfriend's lap.

"As the voice of reason, i agree"

Hajime rolled his eyes though sigh and waved them off.

"Forgetting him is impossible.."

"As if"

"... Okay i take it back, it's hard to forget about that jerk"

That, that made him snort in pure amusement and he leans forward to lay his chin onto his arms that were laid on the table.



"At least we aren't the idiot who's still hung up on you know who~"

"Aye aye!"

Makki laugh, agreeing whole heartedly. Mattsun grins slyly and held him closer, nuzzling him lovingly.

"must you two be PDA with me?"

" Haters gonna hate~"

"wait here, I'm going to grab a beer"

"iwaizumi no- you get drunk, then you'll call him again. The worse part? We aren't even there to help you"

Iwaizumi sigh and tiredly presses his forehead into the table.

"what do you want me to do then? Life's miserable here"

" Well.. you have a 3 week break soon right?"

" Yea.. why?"

" Well- since me and Issei here are sick and tired of you whining about him. We decided to save up our money and..."

" Bought you a plane ticket, for both ways"

" Hey! I was going to say that!"

" The fuck?!"

Iwaizumi sputters, immediately sitting up straight and staring at them with wide eyes.

A plane ticket was expensive, especially between the US and Japan. How on earth?

" You two! Explain!"

" We just did!"

He groans and rubs his forehead, squinting his eyes shut. "You guys are out of your minds.. when did you even book it?"

"Been a while, actually we bought it eversince your birthday"

" Last year"

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