one. existence

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kevin bourgeois was always intrigued with the universe theories, especially when it comes about the existence of another dimension. . . another realms. he'd never believe about humans and animals were the only lived creatures in the world. there must be. . . somewhere in this multiverse, another creatures - another world that has yet to be discovered.

"ahh. . . another boring day." kevin shoved both of his hands inside his pockets. a few girls walked by and sent him a weird looks but he just ignored it. girls doesn't swoon at him like how they did to his best friend. speak of the devil . . .

"kevin, my boy!" benjamin walked towards him with a cocky smile, raising his long arm to waved at him. all girls around him instantly melted just by looking at his smile. his muscular body stood in front of kevin, not that it towered over him. kevin was still taller than him.

his best friend, benjamin elkgrove was one of the popular kids, but still always sticking with their group of friends. he stood at 6'0, with messy black hair and ocean blue eyes. but he wore a glasses because of his bad sight, but that doesn't stop the girls to swoon at him. compared to kevin, he has a blonde hair and an icy blue eyes.

"damn, it'll be the end of the world if kevin bourgeois wear a colourful outfit willingly." benjamin laughed at his own humor, while tugging at kevin's black hoodie. "ahh, what are you waiting for? let's go inside." benjamin grabbed him because of the weird stares they got for standing in front of the school gates for too long.

as they walked, benjamin looked at kevin and ruffled his hair, "aww! kevin baby is all grown up!" he teased. kevin slapped his hand away, glaring at him. "shut it ben. don't touch my hair, i'd already styled it." kevin started to restyle his messy blonde hair.

"bet your mommy the one who styled your hair right? after all you're a momma's boy." he laughed loudly, holding his stomach. that's it. behind all his charimastic self, he's just the stupid goofy boy kevin sees.

the bell rang, everyone in the hallway immediately ran towards their classes. someone bumped into benjamin, "watch it!" benjamin yelled after the boy, as he just ran away either he hasn't heard him or just ignored him. "kids these days. . ." benjamin sighed, shaking his head while rubbing his non-existence beard.

kevin rolled his eyes at the childish boy, "you sounds like your grandpa." he stated monotonely. "hey! my grandpa's died last year!" benjamin scrunched his forehead as if he was offended by the statement. kevin glanced at him, "you looks like him too."

"you little- damn! we're late!" benjamin yelled panicked, as he grabbed kevin's arm and pulled him towards the history class, since they have a same class together. they burst opened the door, faces paled seeing mr. heisenberg already looked through their souls.

"mr. elkgrove and mr. bourgeois, you're late. . . again." mr. heisenberg stated coldly, as all the attention in the classroom turned towards them. "that man surely a spawn of severus snape." benjamin whispered in kevin's ear, before turned his attention back towards the teacher.

"our apologies sir, we won't do it again." benjamin bowed a little, he couldn't hide the smirk that crept off his face. "it's the fifth time you said that, mr montgomery. i won't tolerate your tardiness, detention!" mr. heisenberg raised his voice a little, even though his poker face hardened.

benjamin's smirk fell, "but sir-" he tried to find a way to lie. not that the detention would destroy his reputation anyway, just it was too boring and he has many things to do - according to him. "i'm sure finding a seats isn't too hard right?" mr. heisenberg stared at the both of them.

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