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      clyde zephyr and alexandre oakvine, were best friends. they grew up together, did everything together, and shared secrets together. that's also meant they were keeping their deepest secret. and no one - other than them - know about it.

their deepest secret, was a black hole or could be called a portal in clyde's basement where he never knew was exist. together, they did a research on it, and confirmed it lead to another world/dimension. they found out the portal also not the only portal in the earth, there's a few portals that each of it lead into the same world.

a few people had found it, but all of them entered the portal out of curiosity. and because of their stupidity, they'd never make it out. the portal would stay there until a person enter and the portal would instantly vanished into thin air. even the scientists couldn't find the portals, so they made a decision to kept this as a secret.

clyde may found one of the portals. but unbeknownst to him, alexandre found another one and he didn't wanted to tell clyde for some reason.

now in their middle-ages, clyde still a single man and alexandre were married, he was gifted a beautiful daughter. unfortunately, his wife died when giving birth to the baby. he fell himself onto depression, and distancing himself from everyone. including his own dear best friend and daughter.

as his daughter grew up, alexandre always reminded her to never ever enter his office. there were piles of important things, and mostly there was a portal he kept.

when his daughter was 5, her caretaker was careless and didn't even notice the little girl had entered her dad's office. the naive and curious little girl made a mistake, by entering the portal. after his dad came back from work, he instantly panicked when he didn't found his dearest daughter.

he bursted into his office, and was surprised to see the portal was nowhere in sight. the only thing came into his mind was his little girl entered the portal.

he immediately went straight towards clyde's house, and told everything to him, which he hadn't spoken to for years. clyde was shock and angry, for the fact that alexandre had been keeping another portal for years without him knowing. hr instantly rejected to help him finding his daughter. alexandre left the house in nothing but rage and sadness.

and that's how they ended up their friendship.

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