The Day We Meet Again

Start from the beginning

Well,we still have a long way so I decide to have some drinks and snacks while waiting for our arrival. The girls quickly notice it and start to take snacks and drinks as well.

Everyone was enjoy talking and how excited they are to explore the world without needing to worry about being vampires anymore. I mean, they need to go to my house first before they can go outside.

Welp, let's get relaxing.





We finally arrive at my mansion. The bodyguards open the door for us and we step outside. As soon as I put my feet on the ground, I see the girls standing perfectly still, eyes wide open, jaw getting drop with their eyes getting shiny.

I chuckle as soon as I realize that they have look at the mansion.

"Come on girls!! Let's get inside!! My aunt is waiting!!"I said as the girls nod.

We start walking to the house, passing through the fountain and walk up the two stair case. We get inside the house and walk up the short stair to see the living room and the kitchen.

The living room was filled with the lastest version TV along with some very nice speaker, a playstation 6 with some cool style controllers attach to it. Next to it is a soft sofa and two couch on the left and right. They can see clearly my aunt is sitting on the sofa doing something on her phone.

We decide to go check her out.

"Aunt!!"I said her name and earn her attention.

"Oh hi Jun-Wait..Winter!!"

"Hi Aunt!!"Winter said as she hug aunt tight and so is aunt.

"It's so good to see you!!You grow so much and you look even prettier now!!"Aunt said making Winter smiled.

"Aw..Thanks Aunt!!Anyway, meet my friends or what I called members!!"Winter said and point at her members.

"Annyeonhaseo!!"They said.

"Hihi..Nice to meet you girls as well!!"Aunt said."I see that you girls have turn back into humans!!"

"Hehe..Yeah thanks to Jun and his Professor or else we wouldn't be here in front of you!!"Karina said.

"Great!!Well Jun!!Why don't you guide them around the house and finish it of with bring them to their brand new room!!The bodyguards set up for them yesterday so it will be next o your room!!"Aunt said.

"Okay Auntie!!"I said.

"Great!!Now get going!!The chef is starting to cook for all of us!!"Aunt said as she go back to the sofa.

"Welp, you girls heard her!! Let's go!!"I said as the girls put the luggage away and start to follow me.

I first guide them through the kitchen where the chef is cooking. They were making many type of food very skillfully and the smell is good. Then, I guide them outside the house were in the backyard is filled with many bush that is well done, a few set of table. Next to it is a brand new grill. Next, I take them to one of two garage. It was filled with one side of the room is a small gym, a side that has a pool table,a set of TV as well. After that is a swimming pool that is next to a sliding door connecting to the the living room. The second garage is next. It was filled with a Tesla, a Lamborghini, a Ferrari and a few more cars that are recently bought I assume. The girls was fascinated by the car. They didn't know that me and my aunt own this much cars.

"What!! You're surprised!?"I said.

"Of course!!How do we got damn know thay you and your aunt owns this much car!!"Karina said.

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