Hope ignored the veiled question in her friend's words. "You're wrong. I just know it."

"How are you so sure?" Tayo challenged.

"It's just. . . I don't know, it's just that feeling you get."

"And you said nothing happened?" Tayo asked, looking suspicious.

"Nothing happened," Hope insisted.

"Really?" Tayo prompted.

Hope scowled at her friend. "Seriously, nothing."

"Then you're probably overthinking it," Tayo concluded, dismissing the topic in her head. "It's not like you reached out and he ignored you."

"I didn't call because I don't have anything to say."

Tayo sighed, knowing arguing at this point was a lost cause. "Well."

"I mean, isn't he the adult? He should be the one to know what to say," Hope continued, obviously not ready to drop the topic.

Tayo scoffed. "Of course. Now that it comes to issues like this, you're suddenly no longer an adult."

"I'm my mummy's baby girl. You can go ask her yourself," Hope argued, face serious.

Tayo shook her head, lying back on the bed as well. "I forget sometimes how tiring arguing with you can be."


Hope's words were cut off by the sound of Tayo's phone ringing. She held a finger up to Hope as she picked the call. Although Hope didn't know who had called, it didn't take long to pick up on it.

"Yes . . . I'm with Hope, actually . . . I'm trying to cheer her up. She's here moping over a guy . . . Yes . . . Yes! Perfect . . . Okay. See you."

The glare in Hope's eyes were scorching as she turned the full force of them on Tayo who remained unfazed. "Was that Paul?"

Tayo nodded, sitting back up. "Yes, and he wants to take us out."

"I'm not--"

"You're so going. Don't even try to say any different."

•   ~   •

An hour later, Hope was seriously regretting ever listening to what her friends had to say.

"This food tastes horrible," Hope declared, dropping her spoon. "I'm not eating this."

There was a sheepish smile on Paul's face. "Sorry. I heard about a new restaurant so I thought to check it out, and who else is there to share the experience with, if not my very best friends?"

"I hope your curiosity is well satisfied then," Tayo sassed, shuddering. "For the first time in my life, I wish I had listened to Hope. See how low you've made me stoop? This experience has scarred me for life."

"Drama queen, calm down," Paul laughed, not looking the least bit apologetic. "You both, be nice. Don't forget it's out of the purity of my heart I decided to treat you."

"Yes. To food that neither of us can eat. What was the point again?" Tayo lamented, looking mournful.

Paul laughed harder. "You're right. It tastes horrible."

"Now you need to get us ice cream to make up for it," Tayo declared.

"Perfect," Hope agreed as she jumped to her feet, Tayo eagerly doing the same.

"Here?" Paul teased, chuckling at the horror on Tayo's face. He stood and cast one last long look at the food that was the exact definition of 'too good to be true.' "But the food was expensive sha. Is this how my money is just going to waste?"

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