House Party • nueve

Start from the beginning

Thought raced through kellins mind, asking him if he did something wrong. All he wanted was for her to eat.

"No Monica I-I don't hate you. It's okay. No I'll clean this up. No I won't make you eat okay. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I don't hate you okay Monica. I'm just worried. I just wanted you to eat, but I won't force you to eat to much anymore okay? I'm sorry." He said and hugged her then whipped her tears. He held my hand out for her to get up but she didn't.

Kellin went back down and picked her up bridle style. At first she tried to push me off but then just gave up. He put her down on her bed then went to her dresser and grabbed a plain black shirt and said "change your shirt I'll be right back to give you water. Just relax okay. I'm sorry." He gave her the remote from her dresser and then walked down stairs. He grabbed some cleaning supplies from the pantry and cleaned up the vomit then put the supplies away and grabbed a cup and filled it with water and went to take it to her.

He got upstairs and opened her door slowly incase she's still changing. So he looked in and she was by her dresser. She got startled and threw something back into the opened drawer.

"What you doing?" He asked setting down her water on bed side table.

"Nothing. just looking for my bracelets." She said giving a nervous chuckle "oh look there right here." she closed her drawer and grabbed the obvious bracelets on top of her dresser.

"Are you sure?"

"Uh you know I'm just dumb didn't notice they were there." She said nervously shoving them on.

"Okay. Anyways I'm sorry monica. I picked some movies you might wanna watch. If you even wanna watch them with me." He sighed. Maybe he screwed up with her. He was suppose to win her trust not destroy it.

"Uh we really didn't watch movies at the orphanage so I don't know anything about these." She said looking at them from leaning over the bed.

"How about this one?" She smiled as she pointed at the monsters inc. university.

"Of course anything for you." He smiled rubbing her head and then put the disc in and started the movie.

He was going to ask if she wanted popcorn but he thinks it's to soon for her to eat. They both laid down next to each other.


Half way during the movie monica laid against his chest and he had his arm wrapped around her.

Kellins phone rang causing him to wake up. He patted all around him and finally found it in his pocket. He groaned and looked at it.

"What do you want Vic?" He said grumpily.

"Hey were have you been I've been calling forever. The party's only in a couple of hours!"

"Okay Vic a couple of hours ha it's fine. I just fell asleep watching a movie. Where are you?"

"Im going to get on the plane in a second so just go get everything ready."

"Okay bye vic."


He shoved my phone back into his pocket and tried to get up but got pulled back because his hand was stuck under -
Monica. He forgot about her.

"Monica wake up." Kellin whispered pushing her gently. "Monica."

"Whatttttt!?" She groaned as she moved over to the edge of the bed.

"Nevermind." She was asleep they still had a couple hours he'll let her sleep. He went downstairs to find that all the other guys have decorated the place and put all the food out, and are playing video games now.

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