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I jumped up as none other than Aaravos himself walked into the room with a body draped over one of his shoulders.
"What are you doing back here Aaravos?" I asked, giving him the death stare.
"You do want to get out, don't you?" he asked with a smirk.
I nodded.
"I'm going to cast a spell alright?" he asked.
I nodded again.
"sreh rof ydob ish egnahcxe," he said, once more sounding robotic.
I felt his powerful DarkMagic wash over me. It was warm, like fire. The Magic was too powerful for my human mind. It knocked me out.
After some time I finally woke up. At first glance I thought I was still in Aaravos's library, but wherever I was looked different. It was a library, but it was much smaller and didn't have such a magical feeling.
I was also lying in a soft feather bed, and I knew for a fact that Aaravos didn't have one of those in his library. I was just beginning to wonder who put me there when I heard movement behind the door.
Sitting bolt upright I called, "Hello?"
Aaravos walked through the door, carrying a plate of food.
He smiled at me, but I turned my head the other way.
"I don't want anything to do with you - you - you monster!" I growled.
"I'll leave, but I insist, have some food. You'll need your strength," he whispered, placing the tray on my bedside table.
"Why?" I asked curiously, looking at him.
"You're my hostage. You need to eat before we leave for Xadia," he said as if talking about the weather.
"WHAT?" I bellowed.
"You're my hostage. You do know what a hostage is, correct?" he asked, keeping his voice calm and level.
"Of course I do! And you're expecting me to just come quietly with you?" I asked, outraged.
"No. But you've got no option. It's either you come with me... Or go back to the mirror world. I cannot risk anyone knowing I escaped, and you could leak my secret. Therefore I must know where you are at all times," he stated.
"That sounds like an option to me."
I lied back down and thought about the pros and cons. "Going with Aaravos... Con: I have to be a hostage... Con: It's with Aaravos... Pro: I don't have to go back to that mirror... Pro: At least I'll have someone to talk to, even if I hate him... Pro: It's with Aaravos.." I blushed, but then mentally slapped myself. I couldn't possibly want to go with Aaravos, could I? "Okay, okay, enough sidetracking. Going back to the mirror... Con: I'll have to stay there forever... Con: I'll be all alone, besides history Aaravos... Con: I've already done everything interesting there... Pro: No Aaravos... Con: No Aaravos.." I mentally slapped myself again, not even allowing my time to blush.
"Are you done?" Aaravos asked coolly.
I glared at him, and he backed up slightly under the intensity of my gaze. I knew a million thoughts must be wheezing around in his head, but I couldn't seem to read any of them.
I sighed. Going with Aaravos seemed to have more pros, but it honestly didn't seem like it'd be any better than staying in that disgusting mirror.
"I'm coming, despite my hatred towards you," I muttered.
He nodded then tossed me a bundle of clothes.
"Put these on," he said, leaving the room.
I unfolded the clothes, and couldn't resist doing a giant eye-roll. He had given me Startouch Elf clothing, which was extremely light and wouldn't help at all if we were going on a journey of sorts.
Nevertheless, I slid into the clothing and looked in the mirror. My human body didn't work with Startouch Elf clothing - I looked like a worm in a trash bag. Not remotely attractive.
After a few minutes, I managed to turn the clothing into something more my style.  It wasn't something that I would have chosen for myself, but it would have to do.
When I walked into the Hall of wherever we were, I found Aaravos casually leaning against a wall, but he stood us straighter as he noticed me.
I saw his cheeks turn a deep shade of indigo as he muttered, "You look pretty." I rolled my eyes again.
He walked over to me and took my hands into his own.
    "Is it alright if I bind you?" he asked, but I knew it was just out of politeness.
I bit my lip but then nodded because I had no other choice.
He tied a magical rope around my hands, but after he was done, I could move my hands freely.
"What did you even do? The rope is gone!" I said, looking at him in confusion.
"Your hands aren't bound to each other, but they are bound to me. You can't get any further than about 20 feet away from me," he said slowly as if I couldn't hear him. "You shall ride on the back of this Mare, and follow closely behind me."
I nodded and saddled up the horse.
"Oh no. There will be no need for a saddle. You will ride bareback," he said, waving his hand airily.
I grunted but took off the saddle. This was going to be a long journey.

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