The Elf In The Mirror

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Y/N = Your Name
I do not own The Dragon Prince or any of its characters!

I whipped around.  A pale woman was standing behind me, holding a notecard. She looked troubled so I stopped.
"You are one of Viren's close assistants, correct?" She asked me in a whisper.
"I-yes. I am, why?" I responded, very confused.
Her eyes darted around.
"The king - Ezran - believes that he may be involved in some.. Horrible doings, and he asked me to find Viren's closest assistant to do a once over of his office. I wondered if you'd be the right person?" She explained quietly.
I did a double take. Viren? He never treated anyone with particular kindness, but I still couldn't imagine that my boss could be involved in any "horrible doings". He was always sitting in front of that creepy mirror..
"Yes, as far as I know I am Virens closest assistant, besides perhaps his daughter, Claudia. I can search his office if you like." I said slowly.
The girl nodded, then rushed off down the long hall, as if she was frightened of being caught talking to me.
As I walked down to Viren's study, my stomach knotted up. It didn't feel right to go through his stuff just because the king had some idea. Not that I didn't trust his judgment, of course.
The door creaked open and I stepped into a very small room, with only a few pieces of furniture; a table that had a thin layer of dust coating the top, a chair that had melted wax over the handle. There were some chains attached to the wall. And the mirror, with glowing letters around the outside. I couldn't read the ruins - they were in Elvish. 
    "There can't be anything hidden here," I thought. "There's nothing but a table, a chair, some chains, and a mirror!"
    Just as I thought this the reflective glass in the mirror began to morf. Within seconds, it was a window to a magnificent library with a fire shimmering in the fireplace. My jaw dropped. No wonder people suspected Viren, he had an entire library hidden on the other side of his mirror!
I jumped backwards as someone walked into the mirror room. This someone looked very different than anyone I had ever seen. They had midnight blue skin that was decorated with many little glowing specks. Under each of their gold and black eyes, there were three glowing diamonds. A black cape was draped over them, but two huge horns were visible beneath the fabric. This elf was at least six and a half feet tall, if not more. They walked towards the mirror, and I panicked. I shoved myself as hard as I could into the wall, hoping that I'd become invisible.
The Elf stood there for a moment and adjusted the golden clasp keeping their cloak on. Maybe they couldn't see me and I was panicking for no reason, as usual. I breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards the mirror. I traced the strange Elf's perfect features with my finger, relishing in their beauty. By this point, I didn't care whether they were male or female, because no matter what they were, they looked stunning.
They smiled a cunning smile at me, and I just stood there, shell shocked.
"God they can see me,"  I groaned internally. "Now I've made a fool out of myself."
I didn't move for a minute or so, and they started to leave the room.
"Wait! No! Don't go!" I yelled.
I had a feeling that they couldn't hear me. I hammered on the glass and they turned. They held up one finger, signaling for me to wait. Of course I stayed in the tiny room. I was too curious to do much else than just sit or pace.
Just as I was starting to get anxious the Elf returned. It had been about an hour. They were carrying a tray and on it were some items. They held them up one by one for me to see. Then they swept their hand over them all, as if they wanted me to find them.
"Should I go and get these?" I asked, moving my mouth slowly.
They tapped their ear, and I knew that meant that they couldn't hear me. I held up one finger, and left to find the objects. It took me about 3 hours to collect them all, but when I returned they were still standing there. They nodded at me and mouthed "Copy me."
I copied their movements, and soon had a goblet full of something that had purple smoke pouring out of it. They raised it to their lips and downed the entire glass in one gulp. I tried to do the same, but I couldn't do it as fast as them.
Then they held their dagger to their palm, and signaled for me to do the same. They put a wooden bowl under their hand, and I did as well. They pressed the blade into their skin, and a few drops of crimson blood poured out. I gasped. I shook my head. But they nodded, and smiled at me in an encouraging way. I took a deep breath, and sliced open my hand. My bright red blood dripped into the bowl.
They opened their mouth, and a purple caterpillar crawled out. It was repulsive. They put it in their wooden bowl, and the next moment, it was in mine. It squiggled up my arm, and settled itself on the top of my ear. 
"Speak," it said in a deep, sexy voice.
I could see the person's lips moving, and I figured that he (the voice sounded masculine) could talk through the caterpillar.
"Speak so I may hear you," he said again.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"Ah. How long I've waited to hear the sound of another voice," he said, making me cock my head.
"Have you been alone in your beautiful library?" I asked.
He laughed. It sounded like millions of years of laughter had been saved up until now, and I wasn't complaining. It was mystical.
"Yes, I have been here alone," he responded mysteriously.
"What is your name?" I asked.
By this point, I realised that I had only been asking questions, and I blushed. I didn't want to seem too interested in this sparkly Elf.
"My name would mean nothing to you," he said, brushing the question off.
I got slightly mad at him, but I tried not to show it. "Well, if it'll mean nothing to me, then what's the harm in me knowing?" I thought savagely.
"You may recognise me. We needn't have such trouble yet," he said playfully.
I gulped. He could read my thoughts..
"Please, just tell me. I-I can help you. Please." I begged.
"Aaravos," he sighed.

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