The Library and the Betrayal

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Y/M/N - Your middle name (if you don't have one just ignore this)
Y/L/N - Your last name
I'm not sure if I've already said this, but this doesn't go along with the plot of The Dragon Prince at all. I love the show, but I just wanted to use the character of Aaravos in my writing! 🙃

We went to the cell and I gasped. It was holding Viren.
"What in the name of Katolis are you doing here?" I asked, half in shock.
Then I had a flash-back of the pale woman holding the note, and how she said that Viren was suspected of evil doings. That must have been why he was locked in this heavy-duty cell.
"Ah Y/N. I never expected a visit from you." he said, hiding most of his face in the shadow.
For a fraction of a second his eyes flashed to my eye covered in silk and my ear with the purple bug. I knew that he must know that I had some sort of connection with his mirror.
"I see you've met Aaravos," he said grimly.
"Yes, and?"
"Don't trust him," he said simply.
I raised an eyebrow, then looked at Aaravos. He was hovering by my side, looking at Viren.
"Y/N, would you ask Viren where he keeps that staff of his? It's an important object," Aaravos asked me, his eyes still on Viren.
I nodded, and turned my attention to Viren, who was still lurking very creepily in the shadows.
"Viren, as one of your closest and most loyal assistants," I said, trying to butter him up. "I would hope you would let me ask you just one question."
"Carry on," he said, waving his hand.
"Where do you keep that lovely magical staff of yours?" I asked warmly.
"What do you need to know?" he snapped, sitting up straighter.
"I may be able to break you out of here, so you can be the great man you once were," I said, coming up with an excuse.
"Fine, fine. I keep my staff in my office. It's concealed in a hidden compartment in my table," he said reluctantly.
"Thank you very much sir," I said with a bow.
Aaravos looked like he could do a backflip - he was so happy.
"Y/N! Y/N return to the mirror room! We have important business to do! Come along now!" He said, zooming around.
I laughed, he looked like a little kid that was promised a bag of sweets. I never expectedthat such a mature seeming Elf would ever act like that. Maybe the staff could help him escape the mirror, or maybe he was getting all worked up over nothing.
I followed his glowing self up the stairs and into Virens study. He swiftly took off the silk that helped me see him.
"Hey! What was that for?" I asked in shock.
"Don't get all angry Y/N. You can see me in the mirror instead," he said in his beautiful voice.
"Now Y/N," he was saying my name a lot, "take the staff in your hand."
I obeyed.
"Good, good. Now repeat what I say."
I gasped. He was going to have me do DarkMagic. I shook my head frantically.
"It's going to be alright.. You're not harming anyone, you'll use a creature that already died."
I was relieved. "Thank the Stars."
"Now repeat this: rorrim siht morf fle hcuotrats nellaf eht eerf." he said, his voice becoming deeper and more robotic.
"Moriror slight morf lef strahoutc nellar het eerie?"
He shook his head.
"No... Like this: rorrim siht morf fle hcuotrats nellaf eht eerf. Try just saying 'rorrim' first," he said encouragingly.
"Alright. Rorrmi. No. Rorrim."
"Good, good. Now try the entire thing: rorrim siht morf fle hcuotrats nellaf eht eerf."
"Okay. Rorrim slit morf fle hcuotrats nellaf eht eerf. No, sorry. Rorrim siht morf fle hcuotrats nellaf eht eerf," I said, surprised that I could do it.
The staff glowed brightly, and so did my eyes. I was being blinded by DarkMagic... Everything was falling... falling... My life was flashing before my eyes.. This was it... Death..
"NO!!!" I shouted without realizing it.
I must have been out for just a little while because when I came to, I was in a different room.
When I finally realized where I was, I gasped. I was in Aaravos's library, and he was standing in Viren's study looking at me with sadness in his eyes.......
It had to be a mistake. It had to be a dream, or something! "No," said that small voice in my head, "Aaravos betrayed you. He trapped you here, exchanging his body for yours."
I banged on the glass, but he just shook his head, and looked at the floor. I then realized I still had the bug on my ear.
"Aaravos, please," I said, beginning to sob. "Please! Why.."
Again, he shook his head. I got angry.
"Why? Why did it have to be her?"
He shook his head again. Why wouldn't he do anything else?!
Then it dawned on me. When I did Aaravos's spell, I bound myself to him through DarkMagic. I could read his thoughts, just like he could read mine.
"Aaravos you mustn't get attached to some silly human girl. She means nothing to you. Forget about her and move on."
Aaravos walked out of the door, leaving me alone with his thoughts.
"You have waited so very long for this moment Aaravos. Be happy that you're finally free of that wretched prison. Besides, who would you use instead? No one else would be so foolish as to trust you." I was starting to hate that little voice.  "Do not take pity on the human. She is merely a creature. A pawn in your game. Y/N means nothing to you."
I started to cry. Aaravos tricked me. He never cared about me. I was foolish, childish.. A mere pawn in his great scheme - whatever it was. Entirely useless after I am used once. "I hate him so much. Why did he choose me out of everyone in the human kingdoms? He could have even chosen an Elf from Xadia. But no. It was me. Y/N Y/M/N  Y/L/N."
"You hear her whimpers? She is weak. Weak without you. How ridiculous."
"I trusted you Aaravos," I said very quietly.
"No! What are you doing! You're supposed to be going into Xadia!"
I was very confused. What did his thoughts mean?
The next second, someone burst into Viren's office, and I stood up, hoping that they could help me get out.
When I saw that it was Aaravos, I quickly turned away, and walked to the back of the library. It was my turn to shake my head.
"Y/N..." he said, touching the glass delicately.
"No Aaravos. Get away from me," I said, shaking my head.
I saw a single tear glide down his shining face, but he rubbed it off immediately, his face turning stone-hard once again. I turned my head away.
"Wait here.. Please," he whispered sadly to the bug.
I snorted, and turned back to him.
He looked taken aback, but nodded, and left the room.
"Aaravos no. Leave her there. You don't want to go back in, do you?" He thought.
Then the bug mumbled, "I won't have to."

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