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[on radio] "Clarke, okay we're ready. Can you hear me?" Abby asks.

Bellamy looks up, surprised at the radio noises. Clarke looks away too, with a bothered expression.

"Look, this is not who we are" Clarke says before walking away from Bellamy and back to the radio.

"The blade is at a sharp upward angle. Between her sixth and seventh rib" Clarke says loud enough so they can hear her over the radio as she hovers over Nova's body.

on radio] "Okay, how deep?" Abby asks.

"I can't tell!" Clarke shouts depending on the speaker.

[on radio] "That's alright, just don't remove the knife yet" Abby states.

Octavia and Raven pace by Nova before Clarke hands them both a canister. "Sterilize your hands" Clarke orders rubbing her hands together as Raven looks at Octavia before shrugging her shoulders and taking a sip of the moonshine before cleaning her hands with it.

Octavia takes the bottle and cleans her hands as well.

[on radio] "Clarke, do you see any fluid?" Abby asks.

Voices are heard in background of the drop ship making it hard for Clarke to hear. Voices are louder and Clarke turns towards the people in the room.

"Damn it! Clear the room!" Clarke demands looking to Raven who nods her head in comprehension, then walks towards the delinquents. Finn joins in trying to help clear the room.

"Everyone! Upstairs! Now! Let's go!" Raven and Finn shouts sending people upstairs so Clarke can work.

Wake up... Wake up Nova thought in her head, she can hear movement and distant shouting, but she can't wake up or open her eyes it's like she's dead... but she's alive. Is Octavia there? Clarke? Anyone? Nova thought.

[on radio] "She's starting to feel a little warm" Clarke says over the radio.

[on radio] "That's alright, fever sometimes accompanies a trauma. Clarke, I need you to tell me if there is any fluid leaking from the wound" Abby says.

Clarke begins to examine Novas wound carefully before shaking her head.

"Nothing" Clarke shouts depending on the speaker.

[on radio] "That's good. That's actually really good. You got lucky" Abby says.

Clarke and Octavia let out a sigh of relief while Raven and Finn smile on the side. "Thank god" Octavia breathes out placing a cloth on Nova's head. "I'll be back" Octavia says clearing her throat as she goes upstairs to the top floor of the drop ship.

After Clarke and Abby go back and forth on the radio, discussing Nova's wounds, they decide it's time to remove the knife.

"Okay, Clarke, firm grip on the knife. You're going to need to angle it upward to the left, very slightly, as it exits the rib cage," Abby instructed over the radio, her voice filled with urgency and concern.

"How slightly?" Clarke asked, her voice trembling as her hand tightened around the knife embedded in Nova's chest.

"Three millimeters. Any more would be bad, any less too," Abby replied.

Clarke nodded, whispering "three millimeters" under her breath like a mantra. "Clarke... you can do this. You have to do this," Octavia said softly, her eyes filled with hope and fear.

"Here it goes," Clarke said, her breath shaky.

"Steady hand, Clarke. You've done more procedures than this. Once the knife is out, the hard part is over," Abby's voice encouraged over the radio.

"Alright, extracting now," Clarke said as she began to slowly and steadily pull out the knife. Nova's eyes snapped open, regaining consciousness, and Octavia immediately noticed.

"Clarke! She's waking up!" Octavia cried out, panic in her voice.

Nova suddenly felt a sharp, searing pain. "Ah! Oh!" she cried, trying to sit up, but Finn and Octavia held her down.

"Nova, I'm going to get that knife out of you, okay?" Clarke said, her voice thick with emotion as she continued to pull out the knife. Nova nodded, tears streaming down her face, trying to speak but unable to form words.

Clarke pulled the knife out slowly, causing Nova more pain. "Ahhh!" Nova cried, sweat beading on her forehead as she struggled against the agony.

"I almost got it. Nova, please hold still," Clarke begged, her voice breaking.

The storm outside raged, making everything feel even more chaotic. Finally, Nova felt a slight relief as the sharp pain subsided. Clarke stood up, holding the knife, her face a mix of exhaustion and triumph.

"It's out. She did it," Raven's voice came through the radio, filled with relief and happiness.


CLARKE IS FINISHING STITCHING UP NOVA'S WOUND. "Should she be this pale?" Octavia questions running a rag along Nova's head.

"She's lost a lot of blood but I'm sure she will be fine" Abby states over the radio.

"Wait, mom, she's right. She's feverish and her breathing is really uneven" Clarke says feeling Nova's pulse.

[on radio] "You just need to give her some time to recover. Let me know if she gets any worse" Abby says.

"I need a break" Clarke sighs but Abby tries to talk to Clarke alone, but Clarke doesn't feel like it and leaves Raven and Octavia with Nova alone while she goes and checks on Bellamy.

"You're okay" Octavia whispers holding Nova's hand and looking at her gracefully. Raven watches intently before Octavia feels eyes on her and looks at Raven.

"What?" Octavia asks jokingly.

Raven cleaned her throat and shakes her head. "Nothing, just- Finn used to look at me like before... he came down here" Raven states and Octavia looks back at Nova.

"I- I don't know what it is... She's beautiful really beautiful" Octavia says letting a smile tug her lips until that smile fades into one of worry as Nova's body slowly starts to shake, foam exiting the sides of her mouth.

"Clarke! She's seizing!" Raven rushes and yells from below the latter.

"Nova! Nova! Please" Octavia cries out as Clarke climbs down to where Nova, Octavia and Raven are to see Nova violently seizing.

Clarke begins to panic and wipes Nova's mouth with a cloth and puts her on her side along with Octavia's help.

"Get my mom on the radio now!" Clarke demands and Raven shrugs her shoulders.

"The radio is dead, interference from the storm" Raven states and Octavia begins to breath heavily.

"Clarke... please don't let her die" Octavia begs and Clarke looks at Octavia realizing Nova means a lot to her. What Octavia doesn't know Nova means a lot to Clarke also.

"Trust me... I won't."

EDITED 7/10/2024

ALWAYS SURVIVE; the100 (1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora