So when one day harry was just going through the pictures of newspaper, cause he don't know how to read it, in that moment he decided that he'll teach his snow-white how to read and write...
And that's how every day, he'll teach him, and after two weeks of hard-work harry knows all the  alphabets....

"So now, I'll teach you how to write words okay"....


"Yeah words like um happy,sad, zayn,harry these all are words".....

"um okay".....

"What you want to write as your first word ,tell me".....

Harry said quickly without any hesitation....

"My name um why"...

"Cause I love you zainn ,so much "....

"I love you zainn,I love you zainn,I love you zainn,;the way these three words sends tingle through out his whole body.It seems like Harry's mouth are made only for these words"I love you zainn", it's a melody for zayn's ears better than any song ,better than any rythm;he wants harry to tell these words to him every second ,cause he need it like air to breathe."I love you zainn" his favourite word ...

"Please repeat it harry, please say again that you love me so much, please"....

One month ago he had only read about love stories in the books .But now he has his own love story ,in which zayn is the hero and harry is his sweet lover who waits for him every night under the willow near the river during sunset....

Will harry marry him one day ,maybe ,but not now, he is so small for marriage, he  can't even buy a house for his snowhite and a big bed like harry wants and he wants to fulfill his lover's every wish....

"Zainnnnnnnnnn you lost, teach me silly".....

"Oh yeah I'm sorry ".....

What is the most amazing feeling in this world, it  is different for everyone; but for zayn it is  to hold his Harry's hand in his, it feels so good,.....

Zayn Malik...

"Done ,see it's my name "...
Zayn whispered in his ear while holding his little hand in his ,from behind;and harry turnaround in the same position and now they both are so close, like zayn just want to kiss his lover, nothing just a taste of that pink lucious lips , just one kiss he has read in that book ,where a warrior kissed his lover in battlefield in front of her father. yeah just like that...

"It's so beautiful zainn, um your name is so beautiful".....

"Yeah but your is more beautiful, come on I'll teach you how to write it"....

If harry will say ,zainn you are gorgeous ,Zayn will deny that while saying"you are more gorgeous"..

According to zayn everyone compliments moon for his beauty ,cause no one has met his lover ,his harry; his harry is more gorgeous than any moon and any stars ......

After one hour of writing harry knows how to write "Zayn" and "harry" ; and he is very satisfied with it, cause if he knows how to write Zayn, then nothing else matters, cause zayn is the solution of his every problem, he is cure of his every pain.....

"I'm sleepy "....
He whispered while laying his head on zayn's shoulder.....

"Me too but I'm hungry as well"....

"Mamma told me ,that um from tonight, I'll sleep with mr.aiden, in his big room and um she told me that his bed is more soft and it has so many pillows um we can make more forts".....

"um why you'll sleep in his room".....
Zayn asked ,not so happy with what harry told him, cause he knows ,it's different and harry don't know what he is saying....

"Mamma told me um I'm married and um he is my husband"......
He whispered while stabbing zayn's heart with his every word......

(Don't please don't say this I hate that you are married)

"um okay then ,go be with him"...
Zayn whispered and started running towards his room with teary eyes....

Harry also ran behind him while shouting his name ,but zayn didn't heard or if he did then also he ignored him.....

"Hee um iss my snow-whiteee then um whyy he is married ,he'll be mmyy husband not Aiden's who um don't even love um myy snowhite"....

He mumbled between his sobs ,while soaking his white pillow in his tears....

"Baby eat please or you'll get sick"......
Katherine pleaded him for the hundredth time but he kept his red face buried in his pillow mumbling same thing again and again......

"Zainn is mad with me, um tell him to feed me or I won't eat mamma"....

And it was the first night they cried for eachother ; unaware of the fact ,that so many nights of separation are still there to come......

And it was the first night they cried for eachother ; unaware of the fact ,that so many nights of separation are still there to come

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(This is Aiden)

And it seems like no one is reading ....

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