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"what is separation"?
When the heart lost the beats....
Last air the last cry....
I've been waiting for you....
It's never too late ,
In my sorrows,
I've been waiting for you...
The emotions are not sane,
It's not the same without you....

"IMPURE"that what everyone calls him here, except Katherine;his blood is impure cause he was not born as a malik or in any other royal families and there is only one way to remove that impurity ;that is by mating with Aiden; but it will take time ,cause before that he has to perform so many rituals ,like to take bath at midnight for fifteen days, so that moon can purify him, then to not show his face to Aiden before he is pure; and he don't even know what impurity is; he just know that it is a bad thing, and everyone here is helping him to remove this diseases;...

"um ,it's so cold mama".....
He whispered while hugging Katherine's waist with both of his hands; as she was drying him up by same red towel ; cause he was not allowed to use any other colour.....

"um I know but it's necessary baby".....

"And um you um told me that Zainn will be um my bestfriend, but um I never saw him ,um he don't want to meet me"...
He asked her with a eyes ,which has so many emotions in it; like he want someone with whom he can talk ,with whom he can play and with whom he can share his daily stories ;like he used to do with sufi .But Sufi forget about him; though Katherine tried to convince him that they all still loves him but deep down he knows that maybe his mummy , daddy and sufi don't love him enough ,cause once ms.rebecxa told him"that when you love someone you always want them close to yourself ,you don't want them to away from you for even a single second";...

"No um he wants to meet you, he um just little bit tired; that's why ,but tonight I'll introduce you to him in dining hall, will my baby like that"....
She asked him while pinching his rosy cheeks, and he nodded his head five times ,cause it's his lucky number"hazz when you nod your head for for five time, your every wish will be fulfilled by the god cause god loves number five"...;And he really wants to meet Zayn, so that they can build forts on bed and maybe zayn will show him horses ,he has never touch a real horse and he wants to feed pony, cause they are so cute Katty told him once....

Zayn was not tired it was a another lie ;which Katherine has to say in order to hide his husband's sins; Samuel don't want harry around his most precious thing which is zayn"No I don't him near my zayn atleast not for fifteen days";but luckily Samuel is away from the country for some days; so it's good chance for Katherine to listen to her heart ,which she has never done since she was born.....

"um I'll bring your clothes till th------"....

"I know mama, to not open my mouth and sit on the bed "....
He cut her off with a little smile on his cute face...

"Good um I'll be back"....
She whispered and kissed his forehead and then she left him alone and he started poking mattress ,while building forts for himself cause there is only one thing in this big palace that he loves the most that is "bed";well cause he hadn't seen his zayn's face .....

One more pillow and then his dream house will be ready, but before that some idiot enter in his room with the most gorgeous eyelashes harry has ever seen and his face reminds him of the beautiful sunset in summer evening;harry loves sunset.....

Just A Little Bit Of Your HeartUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum