A fourth for encouragement

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"Kacchan!!" The small blond slowly turned to look at the Alpha running towards him, an annoyed expression gracing the Omega's face. "Wait up!" The green haired boy smiled brightly, finally catching up to him and letting out a soft purr, the Omega releasing a quiet coo of his own in greeting. "I'm so excited!" Izuku giggled, instantly draping his arm around Katsuki's shoulders and trying his best to ignore the blond's slight flinch. He knew Katsuki didn't like talking about it, so he wouldn't bring it up. Why would he upset him on such an important day?

"Me too, Deku. I'm going to blast all these extras away!" He smirked proudly, letting a few tiny explosions blast from his hands for affect. "Even you, nerd! You may have a quirk now, but I'll always be number one!" Izuku smiled in amusement at the Omega, the two walking through the gates of UA together while Izuku happily rambled on about the possibilities for the exam. "Shut your trap! Someone's gonna think you're insane!" The blond reprimanded him halfheartedly, slapping his arm playfully before his expression dropped. "O-oh- I'm sorry, Deku..." He mumbled, Izuku instantly catching onto the Omega's old habits.

"Hey, Kacchan, it's alright! I know I can be a bit annoying sometimes!" The Alpha offered a bright smile to show the boy it was okay, the blond hesitating for a few short moments before nodding softly with an embarrassed smile. "That's the smile I wanna see!" Izuku teased him with a sweet chirp, gently pinching Katsuki's cheek and watching the blond pout in annoyance.

"Alright, alright! I get it, hands off!!" Izuku laughed whilst putting his hands up in surrender at the sight of the boy's crackling palms, quickly adjusting his knitted scarf before burying his gloved hands in his pockets. "We should head inside, Deku." Katsuki pointed out after noticing the other students, hurriedly grabbing the front of his jacket to pull him inside the building.

"Ah, you're right!!"


"Hey, Kacchan! You ready?" Izuku chirped excitedly before they exited the auditorium, Katsuki nervously glancing around before his ruby gaze settled onto the Alpha with teary eyes. "Oh no, what's wrong?" Izuku asked softly, cupping his face with his large hands and pulling him away from the door.

"J-just... Um... Some Alphas were making fun of my status and..." He trailed off, staring down at his feet with a familiar look filling his eyes. The Alpha sighed knowingly.

"Kacchan, look at me." He said sternly, gently sliding his fingers down his face to tilt his head up. "You're amazing, okay? You being an Omega means nothing, you could take on anyone here and you'd easily win!" The freckled male smiled reassuringly, the blond quickly wiping away the single tear that escaped his eye.

"Thank you..." He mumbled quietly, biting his lip in thought before leaning forward and standing up a bit on his toes to butt their foreheads together affectionately. "Good luck, nerd."

"You too, Kacchan!" The Alpha cheered happily, turning his head slightly to kiss the blond's cheek with a soft purr - An encouraging gesture.

"Like I need it," Katsuki grinned and rolled his eyes with a prideful huff, pulling away with his cheeks slightly pink. Izuku knew he was thankful for it though, if the smell of pleased Omega swarming around his head meant anything. "See you when the exam is over!" He called back to the Alpha, already hurrying away. Izuku smiled fondly as he watched him leave, a toothy smile tugging at his lips.

There was no doubt in Izuku's mind that neither of them would fail. He knew that he'd still be there for the blond throughout high school this way.


I hope you enjoyed this part! :)

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes!

633 words

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