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In this world we like to put people in little boxes. Half the time those boxes are filled with misconceptions and stereotypes; we don't really know who a person is inside, we just see an image and go from there.

You look at my best friend Andi Mack and you think math wizard, musical prodigy, or karate expert; you wouldn't know how wrong-how ignorant-you were until you found out she hated math, couldn't hurt a fly, and is a crafting genius.

You look at TJ Kippen and you think cocky jock with a bunch of girls hanging off his arm and a bully who makes others do his homework. Heck even I thought that at one point. However, what you really get is a kid who just has a passion for basketball, wants to do good in school on his own, oh, and the only one hanging off his arm is his boyfriend and my good friend Cyrus Goodman.

You shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. But we do. I did. And that's why on a chilly Autumn morning in the middle of September I didn't see through the exterior persona given to me; that day I didn't realize the devil himself was standing right in front of me.

Holding his once full cup of coffee, the man looked over his stained shirt courtesy of my slamming right into him. "And this is why I don't dress up for anything," he said, chuckling afterwards. His voice was low and heavy, rugged like he was gargling gravel in his throat. He was clearly living a rough life, at least that's what my dad would say if he saw his unkempt beard and the snake tattoo peeking out from under the collar of his button-down.

I snapped out of my observations before realizing I was still on the floor, my books and papers scattered about around me. "I-I'm sorry I didn't.. I-I was t-texting and I didn't see you," I stammered as I started gathering up the mess. The man who was a mystery to me, and who I would soon wish stayed that way, bent down and started helping me clean up.

"It's fi-"

"M-my friends are blowing up my phone about some test and I just-."

"Hey!" He placed his hand on my shoulder. My rambling came to a halt and for what seemed like ages we just stared at each other, hazel eyes to deep brown. "Breathe in, breathe out.

I followed his pattern and felt myself calming down. "I'm sorry," I apologized one more time.

"Hey my shirt didn't survive but I did; I'm all good and I still get to teach today." He smirked. "Don't know if that counts as good though."

That did manage to make me laugh and soon we were both getting off the floor. He handed me my things and I was going to go on my way until it hit me, did he say teach? "You're a teacher?"

He shrugged. "I get that a lot, I tend to look more like I belong at a club serving... never mind forget I brought up clubs and never go to them or drink anything but water. Also stay in school and always listen to your parents! Huh nice save, Jeff."

Again I was laughing so hard I knew I was turning red. Apparently my dimples were on full display too because he poked one of them.

He held his hand out for me to shake. "Jeff."


"Jonah Beck," came a familiar voice from behind him. "One of my bright, straight A students; rarely trouble unless he's with a certain trio. Extremely talented with the frisbee.. and the guitar so I've heard."

"Yup, that's me," I said with obvious fake excitement.

"Jonah, Mr. Olsen will be substituting for Mrs. Carlisle while she's on maternity leave. I see to it that you and your friends not make his life miserable."

I rolled my eyes, about to defend my friends and I when Mr. Olsen suddenly interrupted. "Nonsense Metcalf, I'm sure Jonah and I will have a good time together.. and the other kids as well."

Principal Metcalf didn't seem too sure but gave in anyway. "Hmm, very well. Come along Mr. Olsen, I'd like to discuss some things with you before classes begin."

I watched the two leave, trying not to laugh too loud when Mr. Olsen started making funny hand gestures behind Principal Metcalf's back.

Andi❤: Cyrus is getting antsy 🙄 we really need to go over these flashcards before class Jonah. You in or out?

Jonah: I'll be there😜

Jonah: 'sides I gotta tell you guys who I just met. he's awesome😀

a/n when you mix writer's block with being in college you get a story not update for like FOREVER. sorry about that to my readers. 😔

just know I appreciate every view even if it's a small number. means a lot.😘

and hey, what do you think of Jeff so far?


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