Jealousy, Jealousy x TayNew

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Note: This is a two-chaptered AU. Please check out the previous chapter, Enough for you, for the 1st part of the AU (Tay's POV)



"You're using my apartment as a hide out to sulk"

Kay told me before occupying the seat beside me. He smiled at me teasingly before poking my hip.


I whined. He chuckled before shaking his head.

"Is it about your on-screen boyfriend again? Come on! I thought you never liked him?"

"I never said I do"

He once again chuckled before standing up to get me a glass of cold water. He knew that I needed it.

"Who was that drunk man who ugly cried because he couldn't get Mr. Annoyed with a handsome smile off his head?"

Kay said. He loves bringing that up to use it against me and it's honestly starting to frustrate me. That was one time! I was drunk and I don't even know why that even came out from my mouth. I refuse to admit that it's the truth because I never thought I'd ever do that in my life. Who the hell would willingly admit that after the moment you and the man you disliked the most talked in the car, he'll occupy a space in your mind and rent it for good? It's been freakin' two months now!

"Can you stop reminding me that? I told you I never said that. That was my drunk self!"

"Well, we are more honest when we're drunk, so-"


I warned, giving him a glare. Remind me again why I chose this person as a best friend?

"What? Why couldn't you just admit it?"

"Admit what? What the hell are you talking about?"

I gave him a questioning look. I watched him shake his head before placing the glass of water on the coffee table and sitting beside me.

"You like him"

He said it like it was a fact, confirmed statement and the truth. Oh God! When will he stop?

"You can't admit the fact that you no longer hate him"

He said, air-quoting the word "hate"

"Have you seen yourself whenever you look at him? That time you crossed paths in your agency? Whenever he suddenly appeared on the television"

"You're crazy"

Was my automatic response because he is. He kept telling me how I linger my eyes on the man whenever I look at him, but I keep on denying it, because it's not true! I know it's not true.

"Okay? Then explain to me why you keep on checking his social media accounts?"


"I saw it on your search history, New"

He said, accusing me. I came here to relax, but this very man is stressing me more. It's better to leave.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'll leave. This is nonsense!"

I told him and started walking away, but stopped on his last statement.

"Well, you know that you can deny it to me all you want, but the truth is inside you, New. You know that you can't always fool yourself about that"

I didn't look back at him and walk straight out of his space. I hate Kay! I hate the fact that what he said started bothering me.


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