You comfort him after the euros loss

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I watched in dismay as the ball raced towards the goal but bounced off the post. The entire stadium roared in protest and Marcus put his head in his hands in response.

The weight had not left his shoulders and he dejectedly trudged back to the line of his teammates, who greeted him with hugs and pat's on the back in an attempt to cheer him up.

But even they couldn't hide the obvious disappointment in their eyes.

Looking back onto the pitch, I saw Pickford save a shot and the England team cheered in support. Sancho didn't succeed and I could see the nerves in Saka's face as he lined up the ball.

He's so young, the poor lad! I hope this goes well...  I thought.

It did not go well.

The Italian goalkeeper saved the shot and the noise that followed was overwhelming. The England players huddled together while the Italians jumped and rallyed up the crowd in their victory.

Italy had won.

Back at the hotel.

Marcus had been very quiet, but his silence was as loud as the stadium had been and it still echoed the disappointment of the fans.

I had given him a hug after the game, but he had been dragged off to do interviews, press and to take pictures. The usual.

"I'm going for a shower" he murmured.

"Ok baby, let me know if you need anything" I replied.

He leaned forward to give me a kiss on my forehead, his lips brushing delicately against my skin before he turned and headed for the bathroom.

I knew when he had gone in as the water hitting the floor rang through the door. Making the quick decision to join him, I entered the bathroom and pulled of my clothes.

His were already scattered over the floor, and he was stood there with his head bowed and the water running over his muscled back.

My heart was beating so fast I thought he might hear it, but he hadn't been aware of my presence until I opened the glass door and joined him as he  turned his head slightly.

He slowly turned around, still looking at the floor, his lower lip trembling. I lifted my hands and placed them on his face, gently cradling it.

"I have never been more proud of you than I am now. Do not think for one second that you disappointed anyone tonight, you were amazing then and you'll be just as amazing next time."

He lifted his head and finally, his warm chocolate eyes met mine.

"I've let them down. Look how far we've come, only for that to happen. Not only that, but all this racial abuse I've seen already and it's been 3 hours! I can't take it y/n, I just can't"

His voice was shaking so much, and there was so much sadness in his gaze.

Anger ran through me at the thought of anyone bashing this precious soul for his efforts, especially if they were daring to bring his race into it.

"You are perfect to me. I would like to see any one of them try to do what you do, look how well you've done. You've got your whole career ahead of you, and you're already a professional AND playing for the national team. You. Are. Enough."
I said maintaining eye contact with him to prove my point.

"Especially to me"
I leaned up to whisper the last bit in his ear, and he shivered. But not because he was cold. Far from it. Marcus placed his large hands on my waist, pulling me closer to his firm body. He rested his forehead against mine, his breath fanning out into the space of the shower.

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