blueberry donuts

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Salems POV--

I woke up from my fourth nap of the day and immediately put my shoes on so I could sprint over to Apollo's house and continuously knock on his door until he answered. I smiled as he was obviously annoyed and then he smacked the back of my head as he grabbed his bag and headed out of the house.

This was routine.

We walked down the middle of the street and discussed our plans for the day as we acted like we owned the place. We waved at every adult we walked by and stroke up conversations but suddenly when we saw someone our age, we'd turn on ghost mode.

This is how it always was and how it would always be.

Ever since A started at this fancy school there has been so much to talk about that it took up all of our time as we walked to the park. When we arrived only Kason was there who greeted us as he was putting away his sketchpad.

He was super artistic and made the coolest characters out of random people they would see in different places and then he'd go home and animate them. They'd do the sickest things with them from making them wave to them being cool ass crime fighters fighting off other characters he drew that day, that dude had serious talent but rarely showed anyone.


"Hey dummies," he said as he stood up to dap us up. "No pretty arm candy to bring over today A?" They asked Apollo, clearly disappointed.

That's another thing about Kason. He's never had a girlfriend but he loves talking about girls. It's not that they can't pull any, there's girls falling all over them left and right, don't get me wrong, but he has hella commitment issues and doesn't want anybody having to go through that stuff. They swear that he'll know when they've met the one he's finally ready to have a relationship with but he's said that like 5 times already and none of them have turned out well. Poor dude was too scared to make it out of the talking stage.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm in a relationship, Kason," Apollo said frowning. "Is that so? With who?" Kason grinned obviously messing with him. "I'm not dealing with this today. Good day." A said, pretending to walk away just for him to walk in a circle back to us. I giggled. "So Salem wheres your beloved boyfriend? Isn't it Wednesday?" Kason turned to ask me, remembering I was there.

Brody and I always hung out on Wednesdays and Thursdays so that our parents wouldn't get mad and so that we could make ourselves seem busy, but today he had to take a shift for his friend so he couldn't make it. Thank god. It's not like he's a terrible person or that I don't like him but hanging out with him is so repetitive that it's nice to take a break once in a while. Lately, we've been becoming better friends though and he promised he'd tell me something today though so I'm kinda sad he isn't here cause I'm a sucker for drama and he seems to have a whole lot of it.

"He had to take a shift for a friend today," I said, trying to hide my smile. I love spending time with my friends but it kinda gets awkward whenever Brodys there. He gets along with the others but he doesn't say that much and usually zones out when we talk to him. The only person that can always grab his attention is Tye which makes it hard to carry conversations considering Tyes more of an observer himself.

"I see that smile you dummy," Tye grinned as he walked over to us. "Whatever," I playfully shoved him. "Ugh when are you guys gonna get married already," Trix said, also walking over to us, rolling his eyes. Tye and I just looked at each other and broke out laughing with the rest of the guys minus Trix who didn't find it so amusing. "I'm being completely serious," he said trying to keep himself from cracking. It didn't take long and we all fell into a laughing fit.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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