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Author P.O.V
Time skip ——>
A day before Departure

A: ok so we're at your door
Ma: yea come on!
J: I'm coming
Jake comes downstairs and let's the sisters in, they all go upstairs where Mike and buttercup already were with Lia for the sleepover
L: AH my loves I'm gonna miss you soooo MUCH
M&A: 😐 bruh- we're literally going with you
L: I wasn't talking to you
B: yea she was talking to us
M&A: I-
J: *blinks*
Mi: *blinks*
L: don't worry I'll vlog the trip
Mi: basically trying to make us jealous?
L: 😦 I-
J: *snickers* when we move I don't want any one to know we're related
Ma: lol
A: 😆 so what are we doing today since it's literally 3am
J: games we can play COD
L: oooh yea then when we 'wake up' we can have a cooking competition and make those suckers online jealous of our memorable ✨FRIENDSHIP✨
Mi: Not you looking like an anime girl with sparkles in your eyes
L: to show my loyalty! Also we can stream the game on twitch and also go live on YouTube right?
J: mhm! Lol but don't expect me to actually show my face properly I don't want anyone to link me to you
L: 😐
J: 😐
L: 😐
B: ok! Let's setup
J&L: mk
After they finished setting up for the stream they're live now on YouTube too
L: Heeyyy! So I'm gonna- I mean we're gonna be moving in sometime
J: A day
L: A day 😦
B: mhm! I'm buttercup
Mi: Mike
Ma: Maddi
A: addi
J: jake
L: and together we are-!
B,Mi,Ma,A,&J: bruh-
L: sorry habit aha ha ha
Mi: so we're playing a game ✨👄✨
L: 👁👄👁
B: 😆
Ma: 😆
J: 😆
A: 😂😂😂
L: I don't look nor sound like that
A: *holding laughter in*
Ma: mhm...
J: then how do you know he was trying to imitate you huh? 😏
L: 😃
Everyone-L: LMFAOO
J: ye that's what I thought
A: we is gon' be playing COD
B: and the crowd goes wild woo yeeaaa
A: 😀

After a while of playing about 20 games it's 10am now so they just got up and prepared then went to the park and of course before that they went to Starbucks Lia got a frappe chino (if I'm wrong just know autocorrect spelled it) Jake got a latte, Addi and Maddi got hot chocolate with some cream, Mike also got a frappe chino and buttercup got a pinkity drinkity (😆 don't ask) they went live again and talk about.... stuff now it's 7pm their on their way back and they stopped to get ice cream 🍨 and continued with the stuff they were doing and they also finished packing.

Ok so how do you like the story so far? I noticed the chapters are short and I'm sorry for that I just want a particular scene to be in a chapter instead of adding another scene and not completing it causing the story to slow down so yea please vote and tell me what you think.

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