castles and casinos

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Sonia was walking down the street when she saw her frien- well- you could say he thought they were friends.

'MISS SONIA!' A pink haired boy yelled from across the road

'oh goodness me- hello kazuichi!' sonia responded

'getting ready for our date i see' he winked

'kazuichi im a lesbian'

'i thought you were Novoselic-'

Sonia carried on her way down the street thinking about where she would buy the food for the picnic. She was always the one paying for dates, she didnt mind that, Sonia had plenty of money to spend anyway. She came across a Japanese snack store. Sonia crossed the road and-

'Miss Sonia are you sure youre lesbian'

'Yes kazuichi, im sure of it. I show no interest in men, especially you.'

'I can make you straig-'

Sonia slapped Kazuichi around the face. The pink haired boy stood infront of her.

'Miss Sonia give me a chance ple-'

Sonia had kicked Kazuichi in the you know. He collapsed to the ground.


Sonia chuckled before stepping over him and making her way over to the store.

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