Susan gave the block to Amelia and Amelia immediately put it between her teeth and chomped down onto it. I then began to take the bandage off again making Amelia hiss in pain. Once I got the bandage off I let Amelia relax before we continued. "Ok, just lay on the bed now." I said as I stepped away from her. "What am I aloud to use?" I asked. "Well, we have stitches for the cut, hydrogen peroxide, and penicillin." Susan said before handing me a tray with everything on it. "Ok, thank you." I said grabbing the tray and placing it on the bed next to Amelia. "Ok, this is going to be painful, but I need you to bear with me." I said making Amelia nod. I first grabbed the hydrogen peroxide and put it into the wound to clean it. Amelia hissed in pain and held tightly onto the metal bars on the bed. Once she had stopped I began to stitch. As I stitched her wound I let her rest every once in a while until we were finished and gave her penicillin.

Once finished I let Amelia rest and went to the mid-day meal. Walking out to the area I was directed in I saw that Addy was talking to that little girl and Warren was talking to Helen. I sat in the spot next to Warren and listened to their conversation. "Whoever built this place must have seen the apocalypse coming. It's perfect." Warren said I put food on my plate. "That was my husband. His philosophy was that we become absolutely self-sufficient and off the grid." Helen said eating. "Your husband?" Warren asked. "He's gone. Like the others." Helena said. "All these women?" Warren asked. "Well Zina and Emmeline were my sister wives. And when Ammon went, we had each other and this place. These other women weren't so lucky 'til we found them. Now they're safe. They're free. More strawberries?" Helen asked. "No thank you, I think I'm gonna go check on Amelia and Cassandra." Warren said getting up. Helen then turned her attention to me.

"Would you like some strawberries?" Helen asked. "Yes, please." I said grabbing the bowl of strawberries and grabbing some. "You look like you've been through things." Helen said. "Yeah, haven't we all?" I asked with a chuckle. "Yes, I guess you could say that. What have you encountered out in the apocalypse world?" Helen asked. "Well, first I lost a lot of my memories of the apocalypse when I first met the group. I had apparently grabbed Cass and ran us to a cage and locked it when the place we were at got over run. I had hit my head and was completely lost on anything but pre apocalypse. Then, I had gotten kidnapped by cannibals. They tried to make me their bait and apart of their family. It was traumatic, I had stumbled soon where they had kept their victims. I hadn't known they were cannibals until then, they had kept the people alive so they wouldn't turn." I said I was dragged into memories keeping Addy out of the conversation to hopefully keep Helen off of her. "I'm so sorry. Men are the destruction of all things good." Helen said I nodded along pretending that I agreed. Once finished with my conversation with Helen I walked away. I saw Warren and stopped her. "Hey, I'm gonna go check on the boys outside." I said making Warren nod. Seeing a jeep being loaded up I walked up to them. "Hey, can I catch a ride to the gate. I need to go check up on the rest of my group and make sure they are all ok." I said. "Yeah, we can give you a ride up to the gate." A woman said. "Thank you." I replied hoping into the jeep. We rode out of the community and to the gate.

Once to the gate I walked out and down the road. After a few minutes of walking I reached the SUV. "It's Ellie!" 10k yelled out attracting the attention of Darren and Luke. Darren ran up and hugged me. "Oh god. You're ok." Darren whispered. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just really weird in there." I said hugging him back. "Well you can hang with us for a while." Luke said hugging me as well. "Hell yeah." I said walking with him to the SUV. Doc had already gone away to see the women and the zombie bear. I stuck with the group until I spotted two Jeep's coming by us. One stopped and Warren hopped out. "Come on." Warren said. I hopped in and gave the guys a look as Doc had just explained the zombie bear.

Once we had reached the bridge Helen and the others explained the plan to us. We had made the keep look like it was broken down and Addy, Jackie and I stood by as we waited for the motorcycles to come by. Once we heard the roar of the bikes we got into position. "You got a problem there, darlin'?" The leader asked. "What do you think?" Jackie asked. "Kinda dangerous, ain't it? Three pretty little gals like you, travelin' all alone? It's not safe out here. I'll tell you what. What don't you tell me where you're headed, and sidecar here can have a look at that engine." The man said making the other two get off their bikes and approach us. Before anything could happen and gun shot rang out and Helen showed up. "Hands up, gentlemen. Your little game is over." Helen said making the others come out with their weapons raised. The scrawny biker started saying that he wasn't with them and that he was just with them until he could get away. "Drop your guns." Helen said. "That ain't happening sweetheart." The man said making one of the women shoot at his feet. "Wait! Hold your fire! Hold your fire." The man said. "You see, huh? I'm a reasonable man. I'm sure we can come to some kind of an arrangement. Why don't you just tell me what you want?" The man asked. "Let me ask. These girls with you voluntarily? Didn't think so. Ladies." Helen said making us all go up to them and tie them up. I made the suggestion of having the leader be in the middle. I went and untied the girls and took them to a jeep to sit away from the men. "Are you guys ok?" I asked. They both nodded. "Any injuries?" I asked. They told me no before I walked away from them to Warren. The man then told Helen that he had oxy that I knew I would take. Walking over to the side car I found the oxy he was talking about and took it stuffing it in my pockets and bra since I didn't want his bag cause that thing has some kind of disease on it. Once I got back I saw they were choosing who to shoot. I walked up to Helen. "Why don't you just shoot both men on the side so the leader will for sure die?" I asked. "That's a good idea. Addy." Helen said. Before I could protest Addy has already shot both men. "Addy." I whispered seeing the look in her eyes. We all loaded up and left the bikers behind. I watched as both men turned and bit into the leader.

Once we reached where the guys were camping I asked to be dropped off there. Once the jeep left I walked over to Darren and Luke and hugged them. "What happened?" Darren asked getting 10k and Doc's attention. "They made Addy kill them." I said as I replayed what had happened. "Addy isn't in a good place and Helen is feeding off of that." I said looking at Mack. "We have to get ready, Warren wants us to leave as soon as possible. But Mack, you might have a choice to make." I said. "I choose Addy. I always will." Mack said. "I understand. If this goes south and you have to make that choice I hope to see you again." I said before going over to the make shift canopy on the truck.

"Do you really think that Addy will do that?" 10k asked. "Having that little faith of hope is all it takes for you to make a grave decision. Also with Helen's manipulative skills makes it seem like heaven in this shitty earth." I said as I untied the sheet from the pole. As we finished with the canopy Addy walked up to us. "Addy?" Doc said confused. "Hey. Can I talk to Mack?" Addy asked. "Yeah, hold on. MACK!" I yelled out. "Yeah?" Mack replied. "Addy needs to talk to you." I said making Mack run out to her. They walked off as we all watched them. "You might want to start thinking of goodbyes for Addy and Mack." I said with my head down. "Where's Murphy? We need the tent." Doc said. "Uh, he's still in it with that girl." 10k said. "She's still in there?" Doc asked making 10k nod. Doc went to go over there but I stopped him. "I'll handle this doc." I said walking to the tent. I unzipped the tent and opened it wide. "Come on, get out of here." I said making the girl groan in annoyance. "Tell me you used protection." I said to Murphy as she left. "There was pie." Murphy said like it would help anything. "Get out now." I said. "Fine." Murphy replied before getting out of the tent. After getting Murphy in the car we all loaded up and began to drive toward the camp to pick up everyone. As we approached I saw that they were pushing Warren, Cass and Amelia. Cass helped Amelia in while Warren was trying to talk Mack into going.

Apparently to the group it took to long so they shot at us making Warren drag Mack into the truck. Doc hit the gas and left the camp as fast as possible. As we got farther Mack began to look back. "Stop the truck." Mack said. "No." Warren exclaimed. "Stop the truck!" Mack demanded. "Keep driving!" Warren yelled. Mack in retaliation opened the door and jumped out. Doc hit the brakes as hard as he could and Warren jumped out to talk to Mack.

As we sat there waiting I began to talk to Luke about the camp and how great but weird it was. After a few minutes the women began to shoot again. Warren ducked and ran back without Mack and we drove off.

Z nation here I comeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt