S I X T Y - T H R E E

Start from the beginning

"Why is everyone staring at me?" I asked myself as I walked into my dorm. Nixey flew onto my bed and sat there. 

I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked fine. What was everyone whispering about. I fixed my hair and my outfit and stormed out of my room. 

I stormed down the stairs and slammed the common room door shut. I walked down the corridors, looked into classrooms and I found no one. I stormed over to the Black Lake and saw Draco, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle talking.

"There you all are! I've been looking everywhere for you all! Where's my lovely boyfriend?" I spoke excitedly.

"Before we tell you that theirs something else you should know." Draco spoke.

"Okay what is it?" I asked.

"Theirs a new kid." Crabbe spoke. I nodded. "In our year." Crabbe added.

"So?" I asked.

"Before we go on further... try to... not lash out." Pansy spoke.

"Okay? You're all making me nervous. What is it?" I asked.

"This new girl-" Draco began.

"You know how everyone calls you the Slytherin princess right?" Pansy spoke.

"Yeah." I spoke while nodding my head.

"Well she wants to be the Slytherin princess." Goyle spoke.

"Pathetic peasant." I spoke. "Name?" I spoke.

"Y/n your not going to lash out-" Draco spoke.

"Name! Give me her bloody name!" I snapped.

"Ivy..." Draco spoke.

"Stupid ugly pathetic idiotic-" I began.

"She thinks Blaise is attractive and she wants to date Blaise..." Goyle spoke fast.

I looked at all of them to see if they were joking. They all looked nervous.

"We'll see about that." I muttered. "Voldemort taught me some new tricks. Let's try them out." I spoke while walking off.

"Your not gonna kill her right?" Draco asked.

"Possibly." I spoke. I pulled out my wand 

"Where is Ivy!" I yelled.

"In the courtyard." A Slytherin spoke.

"Thank you." I spoke and walked off. I walked into the courtyard and there she was.


"Ah Y/n, finally you're back. I assumed you left once you found out about my transfer." Ivy spoke.

"Oh don't flatter yourself. I had a suspension." I spoke. "And it's Malfoy to you. You haven't earned the respect to call me by my name." I spoke.

"Then don't call me Ivy." She spoke.

"I'll call you what I want you pathetic imbecile! You think you're going to waltz in here and my crown will be handed over? No. You earn this crown." I spoke while pushing her on her knees. 

"Your no princess. I will not bow to you." Ivy spoke.

"Then maybe, you'll bow to a queen!" I snapped and used a spell to make her bow.

"The difference between me and you is I don't hide in others shadows. I don't have my daddy buy me my way in life. I earn my things." Ivy spoke. "Your just so insecure. You can't accomplish anything because everything you ever got was handed to you on a silver platter. Spoiled brat!" Ivy snapped.

"You think I'm pretty and stupid?" I asked.

"Looks like it." She spoke.

"Well that's where you're wrong. I'm stunning, smart and rich!" I spoke plainly.

"Duel me then. Anything you can do, I'll do better." Ivy spoke.

"Fine." I spoke.

"Your daddy isn't here to save you now huh?" She spoke.

"I don't need anyone to save me." I spoke.

"Stupefy!" She yelled. I blocked it.

"Blocked. Easy." I spoke smirking. I turned around and she threw a spell which I blocked again.

At this point a bunch of students were in the courtyard watching this go down.

"You just block spells you never throw spells." Ivy spoke.

"I don't?" I spoke. I smirked.

"Diffindo." I spoke and watched as a cut formed on her cheek. I smirked proudly and used a whip spell to drag her along the courtyard. The whip ended up tightening too much on her neck that she began choking. 

"I don't use spells huh?" I spoke. She was on the floor catching her breath while glaring at me.

"Pathetic." Ivy spoke.

"Pathetic? You're the one on the floor trying to catch your breath." I spoke laughing.

"Over my suspension I learned a lot about you. Only child. Your parents... oh wait just parent. Mother is dead. You should have been in Gryffindor instead of Slytherin. You could relate to the famous Harry Potter." I spoke laughing a bit.

"Don't speak of my parents." Ivy spoke getting up.

"At least both my parents are alive and love me." I spoke smirking. "Your Mother left you. She despised you. Hated you. You're only here because your pathetic Father wanted you." I spoke.

"At least my Father isn't in Azkaban." She spoke. I looked at her and glared at her.

"Crucio!" I yelled and watched her wiggle around the floor. I stopped and let her catch her breath. "Look at you. Pathetic." I spoke laughing.

"Maybe we could put you in Azkaban as well. I'll even request you and your Father can be cell buddies! You'll finally be with you loser of a Father." Ivy spoke.

"Tell me Ivy." I spoke. "Do you know what Fiendfyre is?" I asked. She nodded nervously. 

"It's very hard to control and could kill you, easily. But guess what." I spoke. She just stared at me. "Someone taught me to control it." I spoke.

"Who?" She asked. I kneeled down to her level.

"You wouldn't want to mess with the Dark Lords favorite would you?" I whispered only loud enough for her to hear. She looked at me horrified. "He taught me." I spoke smirking.

The fire shot out of my wand and I formed the fire into a beautiful phoenix. I made the phoenix chase Ivy around the courtyard until Dumbledore came and made it go away.

"My office! Now!" Dumbledore spoke.

"This is your warning. I'm superior. Stay out of my way, got it?" I spoke and walked away. 

"Miss Malfoy! To my office!" Dumbledore yelled.

"NO!" I yelled back and walked off to the Slytherin common rooms.

A/N: Ivy, Ivy, Ivy. 

We needed some drama.

what's a story with no drama.

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