Chapter twenty

Magsimula sa umpisa

"But you don't even..."

"Your password is one, three, four, three."

"How did you..."

"I know you and I know that is the letters in AC/DC turned into numbers." She said. Darn her for being intelligent. Or maybe I'm just predictable.

"Well time to change my password again." I said as I went into my phone settings to change it.

"Elephant." Sal said. Okay how did she know that's what I was changing it to, I picked a random thing that has nothing to do with me.

"I'm not even going to ask."

"Good idea. Aiden is going to be here in about ten mintues."


Aiden did arrive ten mintues later. She was dressed in her usually shirt and jeans, and black braclet she never seems to go anywhere without. "Hey." She said to Sal and sat down. "Here." She handed me a book, when ever she finds one of her books she thinks I would like she gives it to me.

I look at the cover. The book is called Holes, it looks interesting enough. "What's it about." I ask.

"You will have to read and found out." She said smirking.

I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Okay if you two are done flirting I would like to do something fun before I go home." Sal said from the chair.

Me and Aiden both looked away from each other embarresed. Even though we were not flirting, what Salma said still managed to make us both blush.

"What do you even want to do Salma?" I ask a little annoyed by her.

Salma thought about what she wanted to do. "Video games." She suggested.

"Okay." Aiden and I both agreed.

Just to point out, Sal is really bad at video games, like extemely bad. She thinks she is good but that's only because the only people she plays are her friends, who suck way worse than her, and her parents, who are a little confused by what a video game actually is. So she thinks I am some gaming master because I almost always beat her, the few times she wins I let her or something messes me up like me almost falling over while playing. And since Aiden is also surprisingly good she thinks she is a pro to.

"How did you guys get so good?" Salma ask while still trying to stay focused on the game.

Aiden and I look at each other. I mouth for her to play along with Sal's video game fantasy, which she thankfully didn't notice me do.

"Oh I guess we have had more practice." Aiden said,while blowing me up in the game.

"Trust me Gabe." She said seriously. "The next time we see each other I will be better."

"I'm sure you will." I say, even though she says the same thing every time we play.


A couple hours after midnight mom came home completely drunk. To some people this is not a weird sight but my mom never gets drunk, maybe once in a blue moon she will but it always surprises me when she does. She wasn't just a little drunk either, my aunt was practically carrying her in the house and she wasn't making any sense at all.

"Hey honey!" She shouted at me as she plopped down on the couch. "What are you doing still up?"

I don't get time to answer before mom moves on to something else. "Has this couch always been this color?" She asked looking at our black couch, the same one we had for five years.

"Yes it has.'' I say. Hoping my mom doesn't wake Vincent or Salma, Vincent is hard to get back to sleep and Sal is a little bit mean when she is woken up.

"Hahahaha!" She said laughing really loud. "You're in your pajamas!"

"Mom keep your voice..." I start to say but then I hear foot steps coming down the stairs.

"Why are you guys being so loud?" Sal ask glaring at all of us. She then notices my mom lying on the couch, acting like a idiot. "Aunt Tristen are you drunk?"

"Me?" Mom ask. "No of course not, I'm perfectly fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course..." mom said. "I'm feeling sick." Mom ran upstairs to the bathroom.

"And this is why she doesn't drink." I said to my aunt.

"Yeah I will remeber that next time." My aunt said. "Well I will go hold her hair."

"I'll get the towels." Sal said.

"I will go to the store and get some medicine." Uncle Manny said.

"I will go prepare myself for morning." I said. Everyone looked at me funny. "And I will go find her clean pajamas."


The next morning mom was extremely hung over, all she wanted to do was eat fried food and take meds.

"Here." I say handing her a glass of water and some pills. "You know all the reasons you told me why drinking was bad applies to you to."

"Yes Gabe I know." She said and took what I gave her.

"Are you going to be able to drive to the airport?" I ask.

"Yes I will be fine." She answers as Sal comes down stairs.

"Hey guys." She said. "Have you guys seen my headphones?"

"Gabes room." My mom answers and rubs her head.

"You okay aunt Tristen?"

"No but I will be."

"Next time I think you guys should just see a movie."

''Yeah." Mom said agreeing.

After that we all went to do are own thing. Mom went to lie down on the couch, I went to play xbox, and Salma started tp pack her stuff. A couple hours later the phone rang and I could hear mom groaning from the living room. "Gabe!" She shouted. "Get that!"

"Okay!" I shouted back and picked up the cordless phone. "Hello." I answered.

"Hello." A voice I didn't reconize came over the phone. "May I Speak to Tristen Trudeau?"

"Yes one second." I said. "Mom it's for you!"

"Ugh." Mom said but picked up the phone in the living room anyway.

I went back to playing my game, I was currently trying to beat Ian. I was just about to win when mom said my name causing me to jump and mess up. "Mom." I complained, but then I turned around and saw moms face. "What's wrong?" I ask worried

"We have to go to the police station."

The Loner GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon