Training camp

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Natsu sighed, laying down in her bed. She pulled out her phone looking at volleyball games that were currently going on. Brushing a hand through her orange locks, Natsu began packing for the training camp the team had this weekend. Natsu made sure to have a pair of headphones and extra hair ties and bands in case any of hers broke. After she packed she started to get to her school work. She was able to do most of it on her own until she had to do geometry which always threw her off. Natsu sent Matsumomo a text asking for help once she was done. Deciding to take a break, Natsu grabbed her volleyball and went outside. Tossing it up into the air before she would retrieve it. She wondered how Shoyo was going in Brazil.

Her phone dinged and Natsu caught the ball, pulling it out of her back pocket. Matsumomo would be calling in a couple of minutes. Sitting back in the chair to figure out as much as she could before the call. The two girls talked and did the homework together. They wouldn't be coming home Friday; they'd go straight to the training camps. Before going to bed Natsu watched some volleyball games. Writing down in her notebook plays and attacks that she could learn to master herself. Letting her hair out of the ponytail, Natsu went to sleep.

School had been boring like usual but Natsu kept her focus in the name of volleyball. Practice  wasn't too strenuous, it was serving and the liberos plus Mori working on sharpening up their receives. Natsu sat down by the window pulling out her headphones as Matsumomo sat down. Natsu sat down by the window pulling out her headphones as Matsumomo sat down. She looked at her phone.

"Come here!" Nastu whispered so the teammates who were asleep wouldn't wake up. Matsumomo moved in a little closer. Natsu took the photo, sending it to her brother.

"Did he say anything?" Matsumomo asked. Curling into the seat.

"No he's probably either at work or at a match. I'll get a response later."

"Do you know who's going to be at the training camp?" Matsumomo yawned looking over at Natsu.

"I think Fukurodani and Nekoma but I'm not a hundred percent certain so don't quote me on it. They may not be there at all or there's some other teams." Matsumomo nodded. The girls kept a steady conversation going until Matsumomo fell asleep. In the seats ahead of them, both Oka and Sango were asleep. Behind Natsu were second year students that she didn't want to interrupt. Natsu scrolled through social media and then watched some games. She fell asleep during a game of the Women's Japan team against Canada. Japan was losing in the first set but made a comeback in the second. Natsu laid her head on the shoulder of Matsumomo.

"Wake up, we're here." Natsu stirred awake. Silencing and unplugging her phone. There was a text that she would open later. It was still late at night but the teams all walked to the school. Going into classrooms that were made into makeshift rooms. The team began to unpack their futons. Some of the first years went to bed as soon as they were unpacked. The second and third years left the room going to talk to friends from the other teams. Finally checking her phone, Natsu went to respond to her mother. Expect the text wasn't from her brother.

"He says good luck for the upcoming tournament." Matsumomo looked over at Natsu, evidently still tired.

"Tell him thanks." Matsumomo laid down. Nastu started to text her brother more.

To Shoyo: How's Brazil? You've played more beach volleyball now right? You're teaching me when you get back.

From Shoyo: Brazil fine. It's a bit lonely. I miss you. Beach volleyball is awesome and deal!
He sent her a picture at the beach.

From Shoyo: It's late there. Get some rest. I'll text you soon and love you.

To Shoyo: Love you too. And I won't forget this deal.
Most of the upperclassmen had returned by now except for Amanai and Ogawa. Nastu moved her arm toward her bag. Brushing her hair and letting it stay at her shoulders as she went to bed.

A second sunshine Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora