A quick visit

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The parents all stood outside of U.A waiting for their little ones to come rushing out.

"Hello you must be waiting too." A woman with brown hair approached Inko who seemed to be nervously awaiting her sons arrival.

"Huh o-oh yes he's in class 1A I..urm...don't think they have come out yet." Inko stammered.

"Really? Class 1A? So is my daughter!" The brown haired woman smiled.

"S-so is my son." A white haired woman mumbled quietly behind the two.

"Really what's his name." The bubbly woman had her attention turned behind her.

"Shoto." She said.

"Awww what an adorable name." She cooed.

"They are coming out now." Inko stated as she could see tiny heads running towards them and lots of high pitched squeals and chatter.

"Okaa-sannnnnnn!" Izuku squealed running and jumping into his mothers arm.

"Izu baby! How was it today I hope you didn't miss me too much." Inko smiled giving Izuku a squeeze, then putting Izuku down and ruffling his head of green locks.

"School was so fun!" Izuku said raising his hands up in excitement.

"Izu-Chan is that your mom." Shoto pulled on Izuku's sleeve.

"Oh this is your friend right? hello." Inko smiled waving to Izuku's classmate.

"Yea I made loads of friends Shoto-kun, Ocha-Chan, Iida-Kun and so many other people's!"

"Kaa-San." Ochako squealed hugging the brunette who was talking to Inko earlier.

"Oh so that's your daughter hello there." Inko smiled warmly at Ochako.

"Izu-Chan's Kaa-San hello." Ochako waved as the three mothered awed.

"Okaa-San can Ocha-Chan and Shoto-Kun play at our house, since they are my bestest friend now, oh and Iida-kun where'd he go?" Izuku searched.

"Izuku! this is my nii-san Tensei, he's so cool." Iida popped up almost out of nowhere dragging a very embarrassed looking teen behind him.

"Hello Iida-kun's nii-san!" Shoto, Ochako and Izuku chimed.

"Urm hello." Tensei nervously waved at the three children who seemingly had stars in his eyes.

"Izuku you can't just invite people other you need to ask their parents first." Inko whispered in Izuku's ears.

"Oh! Ocha-Chan's Okaasan?" Izuku looked up pleadingly.

"Hm I'm not quite sure about today how about Saturday?" Ochako bargained with Izuku.

"I'll probably be able to ask my parent by that time too." Tensei reasoned.

"Saturday seems fine for me." Rei stated picking up Shoto.

"Excellent, it would be nice if we exchanged contact info." Inko asked as the 2 female mothers nodded.

"Ocha-Chan that's like magic!" Izuku said as their contact info was easily shared by a touch of a button.

"Magic." Shoto repeated as the three women chuckled.

"I'll give this information to our mother." Tensei stated bowing.

"You're such a polite boy." Rei fawned.

"And taking care of your younger brother it's quite admirable." Inko smiled sweetly as Tensei blushed, flustered at being praised out of the blue.

"I-it's no big deal our family are usually quite busy so I need to do my part, it was lovely meeting you all...come on Tenya." Tensei said before leaving with Tenya holding his hand his other hand waving a robotic goodbye to all his new friends.

"We must get going as well." M.s Uraraka stated, "Ochako say goodbye to your friends."

"Bye Izu-Chan, Bye Shoto-kun." Ochako said giving them both individual hugs and leaving with her mother hand in hand.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Midoroya-San." Rei formally said.

"Ah please call me Inko." Inko smiled warmly.

"Inko-San I will look forward to Saturday." Rei returned the smile and walked away with Shoto frantically waving at Izuku from her back.

"So Izu do you want to visit Tou-San today?" Inko asked.

"Otou-San! Otou-San!" Izuku shouted jumping up and down, which meant yes.

Inko laughed lightly, "Ok, ok and we can stop for some Udon after how does that sound?" Inko asked.

"Mhm." Izuku nodded taking his mothers hand and skipping as they walked towards the train station.

The two got off the train at their usual stop but since they were visiting Izuku's father they walked in the opposite direction.

"Okaa-San today in school, I remembered something Otou-San told me." Izuku said as they walked.

"Really! That's nice Izuku." Inko said.

"I picked up a flower so I can thank Otou-San!" Izuku said getting a small bundle of crumpled daffodils from his little AllMight rucksack, "y-you think......you think he'll like it?" Izuku asked worriedly looking up at his mother.

"Aww baby of course." Inko encouraged picking up her son and spinning him as he giggled angelically.

"Were here!" Izuku said pointing to a large building.

The two entered the building greeting the reception's at the desk and then went on to climb the stairs.

"Otou-San." Izuku said as Inko opened the door.

In the room lay a man on a hospital bed, he wore an oversized gown but that didn't seem to hide his masculine structure. He had quite a defined face in which his abnormally long eyelashes fell on. He had quite long hair that was tied in a small ponytail, he was tied up to so many scary looking machines and wires that almost like he was chained.

"Otou-san." Izuku whispered once more and shuffled his way out of his mother's arms and jumped to the ground running up to his bed and stroking his father's hair as Inko looked at her son fondly.

"I went to pre-school today and I had loads of fun." Izuku whispered, innocently blinking as he spoke, "Otou-San, I made so many friends and even Kaachan was there! You remember kaachan!?" Izuku asked excitedly but to no reply. It didn't matter as Izuku continued to speak.

"I got you this flower, as thank you since Otou-san gave me advice." Izuku said putting the flowers on the nearby bedside table. "You said you liked blue and this is blue!" Izuku smiled petting his fathers head gingerly.

"Izu.....that's yellow." Inko laughed sitting an a nearby chair.

"Yellow? Oh...sorry Otou-San." Izuku said tearing up.

"No don't cry I'm sure Tou-San would like the either way." Inko worriedly said picking up the toddler and placing him on her lap.

"I......am not crying because of the flowers.......am sad." Izuku sniffled looking up at Inko with watery eyes.

"You are sad why?" Inko asked rubbing his back soothingly.

"I want Papa to play with me." Izuku sniffled, "Like before."

Inko knew there was no sign of Hisashi waking up any time soon, she knew that yet... "He'll wake up any day now." Inko said re-assuringly.

"Really!" Izuku's eyes brightened, "You here that Otou-San we can play again soon." Izuku said once again running up to the bed and talking to his father.

Feeling slightly angsty here but don't worry this is NOT going to be sad :) hope you enjoyed don't forget to vote and comment :p

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