Marauders: Pranksters, Roommates, Friends

Start from the beginning


"Maybe this week i'll come as gay too."

"You're gay?"

I raised an eyebrow and looked at my outfit. He continued to wait expectedly. I sighed. "Yes, james."

he nodded "okay, i support you. Anyway, I think you'd be better at eyeliner."

"Why, cause i'm gay?'

" because look at your handwriting, it's beautiful."

"Oh, well thanks, that's the black family for you."


Dumble had let us wear shirts so I wore mine again the next day, but this time with black eyeliner I attempted to steal and do myself but then soon was taken over by Mary, lily's friend who owned the makeup.

"Remus!" I plopped myself beside him and James and Peter sat in the seats in front of us.

"Sirius?" Remus lifted his head from where he was laying it on his arms

"The one and only.. That's living." unfortunately i was not the first sirius black

"Sirius, did you do the potions homework." james whined

"No, Peter probably did." i stretched

"No, you aren't stealing it from me again!" peter groaned

"Please peter!" james begged

"No, uh steal remus'" peter tried

James gasped, moak offended. "You think I would do that to my precious remus??"

"Uh what?" remus said

"The betrayal!" James continued. "My own dorm mate is letting me down.."

"But James, you have to do your own work!"

"Sirius doesn't do his own work!"


"And he should do his own as well!"


"I agree with peter," remus added

Me and James gasped dramatically. "I'm wounded, remus."

"You'll live." he patted my arm pationionizingly

I winked at james. Step one of Plan Get A Fourth Whatever-Our-Group-Is-Called is complete! Our fourth roommate wasn't exactly working out.

Speaking of our fourth room mate...


"Again??" Oliver yelled. "Can you one day! One day without pranking me!'"

"Do you really hate it that much?" james asked

Oliver turned to James covered in a substance that was inspired by the shaving cream, a muggle invention to help them make their hair shorter! But anyway the fluffy cream we made didn't do anything but make a mess, Oliver was our room mate after all, not our enemy. "I have to get to class."

James pouted and used a cleaning spell reluctantly. We didn't want our room mate to have a grudge against us. So far our mission to share the fun of pranks with him hasn't gone well.


"Do you know why I called you here mr. black, mr pettigrew and mr potter?"

"No, professor." I said. I always said that. I suspected it was about a prank.

"Me either professor." james said

Peter thought for a second. "Not sure, miss."
"It seems you haven't been getting along with your roommate."

"What?" james said, surprised

"Is this news, Mr Potter?" mcG asked

"Well, no, but I didn't think he hated us that much."

"He has complained about your pranks and I have no choice but to move him if this isn't changed."

"Oh! I have an idea on who to be our new roommate!"

"You want a new roommate, Mr. Black?"

"Well, I don't think we can force him to like us and I think he'd prefer other roommates. Anyway, remjs should be our new roommate!"

"Remus has roommates already though." peter pointed out

"Actually, this is interesting, Remus is having a problem with his current roommates. I will speak to him and Oliver and see if a switch will work."

"Yes!" i pumped my fist

James clapped excitedly. Neither of us listened to mcG's or peter's comments about it not being certain or whatever.


"This is yours." i put a armful of jack's stuff on his bed, moving it from mine fot the millionth time.

"Stop moving my stuff, dude."

"Stop putting your stuff on my bed." i argued

"You don't actually mind." jack barely gave any attention to the conversation and brushed it off again

"Oh don't i?" i readied myself to argue

"Hey Remus, McGonagall wants to see you." peter said, popping his head in the doorway to my dorm room.

"Okay." all the anger left me. I was kinda relieved to not have to think about it

I knocked. "Mr, Lupin, come in."

"What did you want to talk about?"

"It seems you haven't been getting along with your roommates, it's time we fix that."

"Well, only if it's not an inconvenience."

"Some other students were having problems with their roommate. So, if you are willing, you can take the place of that roommate and your roommates will have their former one."

"Oh, okay.."

"I think you will be happy with the arrangements. Your belongings have already been moved."

"Wait, who are my new roommates?"

"Oh, right, your new roommates the infamous marauders of Gryffindor tower, sirius black, james potter and peter pettigrew" she winked

I lit up. "Oh! Thank you, professor!"

"Of course, remus."

I raced out of her office and found my new room.

The three friends were all looking at my new bed, with my stuff beside it.

"Hello, marauders."

Sirius whirled around. "Marauders! That's genius, remus!"

"McGonnagell's genius."

"Oh yes, minnie!" james grinned

"I'm so glad she let you be our roommate!" peter said happier

"Yeah well sorry if this was sudden or whatever, my old roommates weren't that nice."

Sirius looked confused. 'Minnie didn't mention it?'

"Mention what?"

"I asked for you!"


Sirius pulled us all into a sort of group hug. "The four marauders! Pranksters, roommates. Friends!"


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