The Info

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Author P.O.V

After jake left addi and mike to class, he did his normal routine for the day and soon it was school end they decided to go home together when they arrived at home, their mom was in the living room with files spread everywhere their mom turned to look at them. They stared back at her for some seconds before going up to their rooms until it was dinner time in which they came down stairs to the same thing as yesterday

D: So we wanted to give you all the information you need for where we're going
L: 😒 we don't even know where we're going
M: New York
Jake and Lia turned to look at each other with eyes wide open then just looked back
Lia: and?
D: the school and necessary things are in this file
J: I legit feel like we're working for you
L: mhm
M: well here it is we just wanted you to know before the ending of this week

They just ate in silence after Monica gave them the file they went out to their "club house" and looked through it while on FaceTime with their friends

L: Duplex with a game room, and 2 sound proof rooms, plus an upstairs living room
J: Sakurama High, cheer squad, swim team, volleyball, football/soccer, and it's Giant which means there must be more sports
L: Atleast we have shopping privileges 🤷‍♀️
J: hm
A: oof- wait isn't sakurama high in New York? We're going there!
Ma: You're going there which means you're going to New York! We could be neighbors
B: 😐 cool
Mi: 😐 cool
L: it's not like we won't come from time to time plus you guys are gonna not wanna see us ever again cuz of how much we'll call you
Mi: mhhh
B: 😦 I-
Mi: anyways have y'all finished the assignments due tomorrow?
L&J: math's is the only one left
Mi: ok cool
When they went back inside
D: it's official we're leaving in a month time with Lorence family
J&L: 😐
Then they just went back up and told their friends when they were leaving again.

Mk I know this chapter is extremely short and all I just wanted to give y'all this bit cuz this was the only idea I have currently in my mind and wanted to make it happen.
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