Friends: Dekusquad

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"Welcome to the dekusquad" midoriya said with a smile "What is dekusquad" I asked "dekusquad is our friend group the people sitting on this table are in dekusquad and midoriya is also known as deku" Iida said with some hands movements "OK I get it and I am happy to be a part of your squad but what do you squad do actually" I said "We can not tell you here we will meet at your dorm and we will tell you everything about our squad" Todoroki said with a serious expression "Ok" I said while being confused.

~time skip~ (at dorms)
So this is my dorm let me start unpacking and set my dorm
After 2 hours
Hmm...looks good

(A/N:- this is how your room look with all anime posters)
You change form school uniform to your normal clothes .

(A/N:- this is how your room look with all anime posters)A/N POV:-You change form school uniform to your normal clothes

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And this is how your dorm look like

And this is how your dorm look like

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(A/N :- yup you are weeb)

After setting everything I took my laptop and start watching (favourite anime) the suddenly there was a knock on the door.
I quickly went to see who was it and decided to disturb my anime time , after I open the door I saw dekusquad standing there then I remember what they said about coming over. I smiled at them and invited them.

"Woah you got a nice room y/n" uraraka exclaimed "it sure is nice its looks like you like anime very much" midoriya said "thanks guys" I said. I motioned them to take a seat shinsou and me took seat on the bed while uraraka , tsu , midoriya and iida sat on floor.

"So what do you want to tell me" I asked
"Well we wanted to tell you what our squad did before you become a part of it" Iida said with his hand chops. I chuckled "you want to tell me how you try to kill hero killer stain and you guys Did many thing and were about to go to jail and broke rule" I said , everyone was shocked. "How did you know all of this" tsu asked with a shocked expression "You all forgot who my dad is I heard him talking about you to papa and I actually you were very cool" I explained , "Thank god I did not told them before that you knew cause I would not be able to see their faces" shinsou said while giggling.

"BTW do you guys want to have a sleepover?" I asked with a smile
"Yassss" they all exclaimed

~time skip~(next day)

Dekusquad has already left for their dorms cause they did not brought their uniforms so after they left you change into your uniform and went to common room. You greeted everyone except a certain blonde there and they all introduced themselves. You then walked to kitchen to grab stone breakfast where you saw a boy with spiky blonde hair cooking you already know who it was. 

"Oh perfect the Pomeranian with anger management issues" You thought. Ignoring the blonde presence you start making yourself coffee , since you were new here you were struggling in finding some ingredients so you think of asking the blonde. "Hey uhm.." You started "What the fuck you want dumbass" the blonde yelled "chill dude I was just asking you about the coffee ingredients cause I am new here and do not know much" you stated while rolling your eyes "tch they are in the cupboard to your right" The blonde said "See it wasn't that hard to keep your ego aside and be nice" You said with a teasing tone "WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME EXTRA" he yelled "geez so noisy you do your work and I do mine" You said taking out the ingredients.

The blonde male let out a 'tch' and continue working after your coffee was done you asked the blonde "what's your name" "Huh?!?" He looked at you with a confused look "I asked your name dude not your soul" you stated with rolling your eyes "I never got your name so I decided to ask" you continued "Katsuki bakugou" the blonde male said "ohk thanks bye" you left by bidding your goodbye.

Katsuki POV:-
I do not know why she is always getting on my nerve she do not back up and stand upto me and always pissing me off. I finished breakfast and set it at the dinning table and went to common room to call all those damn extra. When I reached common room I saw y/n standing close to icyhot while leaning her hand on his shoulder and is with that nerd squad. Wait why do you care. I shrug it off and called everyone. "Breakfast is ready you extras come to dining table when want to eat" I shouted. They all nodded and I went back to dining table.

Everyone was starting to come to dining table and the last people to come was that y/n and icyhot and both laughing like crazy. "Tch what is so good they both talking that is making them laughing like crazy" wait what the fuck. Everyone sat and eat their breakfast and started talking. Dunce face and shitty hair started talking to me so I was able to take out the thoughts of her out of my mind.

~time skip~ (after breakfast)
You all walked to class and settled down and then Mr aizawa came and said to wear the sport uniform and meet him in training arena in 10 minutes.

You walked to ground arena

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You walked to ground arena. "You all are gonna compete with each other just like you all did in sport festival so using your quirk is allowed , there will be two teams team A and team B I will choose two students who will choose whom they want in their team then one by one you all will send each opponent from your team who will fight the opposite team opponent and will see which team gets most wins" Mr aizawa started. You were excited for your first homeroom class cause they all do not know your quirk so it will be not be easy for them to predict your attacks.

To be continued ~
Guys this is my first story and as it takes place in 3rd year so it will not be related to any events takes place in anime every event will be authors imagination 😃

A little dose of bakugous abs 🤤 till you wait for next update .
Till then toodles my lovely reader 😘

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