Chapter 21: City of Lights

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Lumiose City, also known as the City of Lights is a very beautiful place where human beings and pokemon live together happily. Will this be always the same?

Our heroes, have reached at Lumiose City and now are in front of the Prism Tower. They were really tired due to their travels and all the training they did while they took break in between their journey.

They have decided to take a day off, and roam around the beautiful city of Lumiose.

The girls decided to do shopping, well after all it's their favourite. (Before you'll ask if the author likes shopping too.....I'll tell, my liking is going towards shopping.)

The boys decided to go on seperate ways, as they all had different likings.

Clemont and Sophocles decided to be at Prism Tower as they wanted to have some talks about Science and work on inventions.

Max decided to work on his strategies before he challenge the Lumiose City Gym.

Kiawe and Paul decided to roam around the city and challenge Pokemon trainers for a battle.

Cilan and Kenny decided to roam around the city and see for how people have coordination with their pokemon.

Brock decided to have look at all the beautiful girls in the city and do his stupid act of kneeling in front of them.

Last but not least, Our Not-anymore-dense hero, Ashton Ketchum, has decided.....not decided anything. He will just roam around the city on his own.

So, everyone went on their own ways.

"Pikachu, I know you love Ketchup, but I can't buy so many ketchup bottles for you, where will I keep all of them?" asked Ash.

"Pika-pika-chu" (We can keep all the bottles on your head) said Pikachu while laughing.

"That's not a nice joke, Pikachu." said Ash as he rolled his eyes.

They continued to roam, when they heard a very familiar voice, "Hello Ashy-Boy!"

"Oh, Gare-bear, Can't you ever stop calling me that?!" said Ash.

"No, I can't.... So where are your friends? I thought you were all travelling together?" asked Gary.

"Well, everyone had different plans on what to do, so we all will meet directly at Evening." said Ash.

"Okay..... Ashy-Boy, I wanted to ask you something...." said Gary.

"What's it, Gary?" asked Ash.

"Um... Lillie... That girl with an Alolan vulpix, I - I guess I like her." said Gary while blushing.

"Ohh... Well, Good Luck Gary!" said Ash.

"Luck for what..." asked Gary.

"Lillie's brother, Gladion, is really protective and cold, Good luck in facing him." said Ash.

"Okay, Thanks for the information, Ash. I'll try my best to impress Lillie and I'll never give up till it's over.... " said Gary.

Gary got a call from Professor Sycamore regarding some research and was asked to go back at Sycamore's Lab.

Ash and Pikachu decided to carry on roaming in the city that's when Ash got a call.


"Ash, this is Blue here... According to our spies, some grunts of Team Secret Rocket are above the Prism Tower with some Pokemon of the trainers. I want you to save them." said Blue as he cuts the call.

Ash wore a hoodie so that no one would come to identify him. The reporters could be seen on all the screens announcing about the news of Team Secret Rocket.

Ash decides to climb the Prism Tower. Pikachu sits on his head and he starts climbing it. When they reach the top of the Prism Tower they could see that all the pokemons are tied with ropes and the grunts of Team Secret Rocket are facing the other side of Prism Tower.

Ash calls Blue and asks him to call the Officer Jenny who is also the member of Pokenations. Ash calls Lucario out and commands, "Lucario, Aura Sphere. Pikachu, Thunderbolt".

Lucario and Pikachu starts attacking towards the grunts while Ash starts untying the Pokemon. The grunts were trying their best to dodge the attacks but were nicely unsuccessful.

Ash untied all the pokemon that's when the Eevee which was standing on the edge of the Tower lost it's balance and started to fall down the Tower.

Ash saw this and jumped from the Tower to save the Eevee. The reporters were recording everything by camera as they were on helicopters which were surrounded to the Prism Tower.

Ash was falling downwards the Prism Tower, that's when everything blurred for the people nearby, and when they opened their eyes after some time, they could see that Officer Jenny has arrested the grunts, the Eevee was standing with the other Pokemon and the hooded person, Pikachu and Lucario weren't in sight.

With girls at the shopping mall

The news about Team Secret Rocket was shown on the screens at Shopping mall and all the girls were watching it. That's when they saw that the hooded person jumped down the Prism Tower to save the Eevee.

Serena was shocked and frightened, she didn't know why but she was feeling like that.

After some time, the reporters announced that the grunts were arrested by Officer Jenny and the hooded person and his Lucario and Pikachu are not in sight.

"Out of nowhere, a hooded person with a Pikachu and Lucario came and saved all the Pokemon from the grunts. The trainers of the Pokemon which were caught by the grunts, are really thankful to him. According to some people, the hooded person was the member of the secret organization, Pokenation, which tries it's best in demolishing the evil organisations all over the world." said a Reporter.

"Well... Those grunts were from an evil organisation named Team Secret Rocket, it's still a mystery what this organisation wants. Hope the research team would find more about this organisation soon. For more information, keep watching our news channel 'Poke News'." said the other reporter.

Serena was just staring at the screen she didn't know why but when she saw that person falling from the Prism Tower, she remembered how she saw Ash on television all those years ago.

"Is it possible that the hooded person was Ash? Ash has Pikachu and Lucario too. Is he keeping some more secrets from us? I need to ask him as soon as I meet him at Evening. But what if it might just be a coincidence?" thought Serena.

Serena came out of the trance and could see that Bonnie was calling out for her.

"Serena.....Don't tell me you were thinking about Ash again....It's been just some hours we have parted ways!?" said Bonnie.

"Yeah...." said Serena while blushing.

The girls continued their shopping while teasing Serena.

As the journey continues....


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