Chapter 11

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"Hey Nat! How's it going?" Natasha was sitting on the couch talking to Clint in the living room. "It's going good. Clint and I were just talking." Clint greeted me hello and asked how I was doing." I'm doing good, I've had a great couple of weeks so far." Clint looked back at Natasha and they both chuckled. "I bet you have." I looked at them both confused. "What do you mean?" Natasha looked at me, "It's nothing, he's just being crude." I decided to drop it and go on with my day.

I walked over to the lab to see how Tony was coming along with my new suit upgrades. "Hey, how's it coming along?" Tony looked over at my direction and walked passed me to grab something. "It's going well so far, no hiccups. Hey do you think you could hand me that material?" I looked to the left of me and grabbed the material, giving it to Tony. "Thanks." I nodded my head and looked at his screen. "Ah ah no peaking, you can see it when it's done." He moved the screen away from me and continued to work, I left the room so he wouldn't be distracted by me.

I decided to chill out and watch tv on my phone, in my room. It was nice, I got to have some time to myself and enjoy the silence. I hadn't had any real alone time since I got here, it's really refreshing to be by myself. I was in my room for five hours, watching my tv show, I got out of my bed and went to the workout room to wake myself up a bit.

I didn't make the same mistake this time with the music, I put in some earphones and had them on full blast. I was listening to some 70s- 90s music. I boxed for an hour, then I did a leg and arm work out. It was weird, no one had come into the room, when I was walking over to the gym I didn't hear anyone, I could only hear myself. I wonder, what everyone's doing?

After finishing my workout I took a shower, then went to check out what was going on. I saw Sam making a sandwich. "Hey do you know where everyone is?" Sam looked at me after taking a bite of his lunch. "I know that Wanda and Vision went to the mall, I think, and Natasha and Clint left a while ago, I don't know where they went, and then Steve and Bucky went for a run." I thanked Sam for the information and then proceeded to go sit down on the couch and play on my phone.

It was only 3 o'clock and I was bored, I didn't have anything to do, so I decided to go for a run and look for Steve and Bucky.
I couldn't find them and it occurred to me that they had been gone for a while. If they went on a run, they'd be back by now. I called Bucky's phone but he didn't answer, then I called Steve and he didn't answer either. I was getting worried that something happened to them, I tried to calm my nerves and just waited a little bit longer for them.

It has been an hour and they still weren't back yet. I was freaked out, I put on a pair of pants and as I was about to walk out the door, Steve and Bucky walked in. "Where the fuck were you guys?! I called you both and you guys didn't answer! I was freaking out, I thought something bad happened!" They seemed concerned and walked into the house. "We went for a run, then we ended up having to get some groceries, because we didn't have everything we needed to make dinner tonight."

"Why didn't either of you guys call me or at least text?" They shrugged and kissed my forehead, after apologizing for not texting me, I forgave them and walked with them to the kitchen. "So what are you guys making?" They set down they're groceries and started taking out pots and pans. "Hamburgers." "Nice! I love burgers, they're my favorite." Steve smiled and took out a bowl. "Great! You'll love these then, Bucky makes the best burgers." Bucky smiled then said, "Steve makes awesome fries, so put them together and you've got a great meal."

As the three of us were talking, there was a scream that came from Wanda's room. The three of us looked at each other worried and ran to the room. There was an arrow pierced through the wall. "What the hell happened?!" Clint came running into the room, "Sorry about that, I'm trying to teach Scott how to shoot an arrow." I looked at Clint confused, "what?! The targets are 40 yards away from Wanda's room, how could he miss by that far?!" Clint shrugged, "I don't know why don't you ask the guy who shot it?"

Scott ran into the room and held onto the doorway for support, he was clearly out of breath from running. "I' Did anyone...get hurt?" Scott was trying to catch his breath while talking. "Wow, you really don't exercise much do you?" Scott looked at me offended and crossed his arms. "I exercise! I go on walks everyday." I knew he was lying because I always see him playing a game or watching tv.

"What do you mean?? I've never seen you go on a walk." I laughed because it was so ridiculous. "I do to go on walks! I walk back and forth from the couch to the fridge everyday." I laughed even harder and Wanda joined me with a snort, Scott couldn't take himself seriously and smiled, trying not to laugh. Bucky smiled and started walking out of the room. "You guys are stupid." He chuckled and went back to the kitchen, Steve joined him.

"Damn, these are bomb ass burgers! Good job guys." I gave them two thumbs up and shoved fries into my mouth, Steve and Bucky smiled and thanked me for the compliment. After dinner I got into my pjs and went to find Bucky and Steve, they were cleaning up they're mess still, but were almost done.

"Hey after you guys are done, do you want to sleep in my room tonight?" They looked up at me a little surprised, but agreed to sleep in my room. We all got in bed and cuddled up to each other, I was in the middle, Bucky was on the right of me and Steve was on the left. Bucky was spooning me while I cuddled up next to Steve holding both of their hands.

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