Chapter 16: Sooner than Expected

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"And Professor Dipshit couldn't even be bothered with a real investigation!" Hermione spat as she paced the length of the empty third floor corridor.

"Professor Dipshit?" Ron snorted. "Shall we give her points for creativity?"

Harry groaned at this, perhaps noting Hermione's clearly agitated state. She did not like the way he was looking at her.

"My point," Hermione steadied breath and tried to keep her voice even-though she imagined the permanent squeak given to her would make the cracks less easy to pick out. "Is that Hagrid nursed a creature back to health that shouldn't have the ability to petrify. But he's a half-giant, so if he coincidentally had any creature in his care during the time, the powers that be would never have lifted a finger to help him!"

Harry knit his eyebrows in confusion and his mouth hung slightly open. "Hagrid's a h-half-giant? Giants exist?"

Hermione stopped her pacing to find both Harry and Ron staring at her aghast by the revelation.

"I suppose that makes sense," Ron mused. "I guess I just thought he was a big bloke."

"But if he's a half-giant that means-" Harry trailed off. "Do wizards and giants marry?"

"Why would anyone want to?" Ron grimaced. "Giants are stupid, violent and-"

"Thank you for demonstrating the masses' out-dated opinions on giants, Ron," Hermione said coolly. "I'm sure Harry found the attack on half of Hagrid's heritage very informative."

"I wasn't saying Hagrid was," Ron groaned. "Just full giants."

"Ho ho!" she hissed. "I wasn't expecting to speak to an expert on 'full-giants', any other finer points in your ethnography you'd like to give, Professor?"

"You know what, Hermione?" Ron narrowed his eyes and spoke through gritted teeth. "You sound just like your father!"

Hermione bit her lip and stared at Ron feeling his hate for both her and her father wash over her. Her stomach churned under his gaze, at that moment she thought she'd disgusted him. Her throat tightened and she dug her nails into her hand trying to get a sense for the world around her. Was she really like her father? This wasn't the first time someone accused her of sounding like him. But Severus Snape was bitter, and cruel, and vindictive and-what if she was like him? Was she as-no! She couldn't-was it bad she thought so little of the man who raised her? But I'm pretty sure he used Legillimency on me...I thought he wanted to regain my trust...

"Erm," Harry said. "Hermione? Are you still with us?"

Hagrid and the fucking chamber, you stupid piece of shit! "Right," she said wiping her eyes beneath her hair. "Sorry! So, erm, I think we need to figure out how the Slytherin prefect knew about Hargid's creature. If little mister perfect, as Ron calls him, was tipped off, we know who framed Hagrid. I know if I were controlling a monster to attack students, I'd try to frame the student keeping a monster for a pet. Even better if their chances of getting an actual investigation are non-existent."

"So," Harry mused. "If we asked him who tipped him off, we can use their last name to suss out who opened it this time!"

"Assuming he's telling the truth," Hermione nodded. "Yes."

"Great!" Ron leapt up. "Let's go ask the diary now!"

Hermione looked at her watch before ringing her hands. "I can't," she sighed. "If I skive anymore classes and it'll be obvious I'm up to something. In fact, if you two skive right now someone is going to wonder what you're up to."

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