Chapter Two: Flying Cars and Mistakes

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Hermione lingered by the entrance hall, craning her neck to try and make people out from the cluster that poured out of the carriages. As the figures descended upon the hall, Hermione spied three very tall red heads with a boy wearing dreadlocks. She squeezed between the masses, apologizing if she came into contact with anyone and found Lee Jordan and the elder Weasley boys.

"Hi, Hermione!" Fred beamed.

"Our baby brother not with you?" George asked.

"I was here from the start," she explained. "So I didn't need to take the train in. I thought he and Harry might be with you."

"No," George mused.

"Don't think I've seen them since we crossed the barrier." Fred mused.

"They'll turn up somewhere, Hermione," Percy said pushing up his glasses. "I should get going." he called out over her shoulder. "Penny! Wait up."

"Let's talk DADA Pool," George whispered mischievously.

"I want to wait until we have classes with the new teacher before I bet," Lee explained.

"That's not a bad idea," Hermione agreed. "Spent all month with him and I can't gauge his tenacity...Wait! You haven't seen them at all? What if they're still in London?"

"I had an owl come in saying your two idiots were flying a car to school!" a voice giggled.

Hermione turned to see Pansy Parkinson clinging to Draco Malfoy's arm. Pansy was a bit taller than Malfoy with long black hair tied back in a green scrunchie, and a mean glimmer in her brown eyes. Malfoy was a bit smaller than average, very pale with white-blond hair and a permanent sneer on his pointed face. The two were made for each other, though despite Hermione's first impressions, Pansy wasn't unilaterally cruel like Malfoy was.

"That's rubbish, Pansy," Hermione rolled her eyes. After begging them to not give my father a reason to go after them, it better be! "I doubt I can think of anyone that thick!"

"It's in the paper! Look on the bright side," Malfoy sneered. "Once Potter and Weasley are expelled you'll only have Longbottom to mind!"

"Until he fails out!" Pansy laughed.

"Oh, Pansy," Hermione cooed. "We've certainly studied together enough for me to know you should focus on your own studies."

"Oh, sweetie," Pansy mimicked her cooing. "At least I have things to focus on outside of studies, but I'm sure it'll come in time."

Sweetie? Far cry from stupid ugly bitch. It seemed her father's position bought her false civility from the Slytherins. Pansy had been terribly cruel to Hermione when they first met, but as soon as Pansy learned her last name, she tried to make a show of friendship. Which ended with the girls using each other. Hermione couldn't tell if this were good or bad. It was exhausting to keep up the facade and all three of them were clueless as to which of them had more power in the relationship.

"Fred, George, Hermione!" Neville called waving from the distance.

Shock widened his blue eyes and his round face paled as he saw Pansy and Malfoy turning their cruel eyes toward him.

"Let's go, Pansy," Malfoy said. "I can feel my IQ getting lower with each new addition."

"Ignore those gits, Neville," George said.

"I personally don't think it's possible for Malfoy's IQ to dip any further," Fred added.

"He's a little bitch," Hermione mused. "But he's still clever and connected enough to make our lives hell. Don't be afraid of them, Neville, but you do need to be careful."

Hermione Snape and the Divergence Point: Vol #2Where stories live. Discover now