Chapter 1: Gilderoy Lockhart

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Severus expected to collect a home-sick mess when he entered Tokyo, but was instead met with a bright, beaming girl sitting on the ground with her friends giggling over something or other. He remembered her saying she was nervous about her Japanese, but to hear her respond to the siblings' jokes, or make comments, he never would have known it.

Hermione was horribly jet-lagged, but did seem better for her month away. She hadn't spent a single night away since he brought her home swaddled in a little pink blanket. Yet she seemed to have legitimately enjoyed her month away. He listened intently as she told him about the month, happy to receive more than a couple of sentences followed by a "have to go!". He noted immediately that she mentioned a number of people not mentioned in her letters. In fact, it seemed she had more friends from Japan now than she did in Hogwarts. That he didn't expect. He had expected her to cling tenaciously to a select few, despite their treatment of her, and to be even more confused socially than she had been in September.

"So, you were quite happy, I take it?" he asked, nursing his tea.

"Yeah," Hermione gave a weak smile and her tired eyes looked off into the distance. "I was."

He mused for a moment not really wanting to ask, but if she was happier..."Hermione?"

"Yes, Dad?"

"Would you say you were happier there than here?"

"Heavens no!" Hermione scoffed, her half open eyes now fully opening. "I did love it there, really, but I couldn't do it all year. I'd miss being able to speak English, understanding humour without asking for clarification, and I do have friends here...And I might miss you as well."

He smirked and set his hand on the top of her head. "Might? Thought you'd at least be thirteen before I became trivial."

This earned a giggle from Hermione before she stifled another yawn with her hand. "Is it really only three? I think it was actually easier to adjust going there than coming back."

"Probably because you arrived at night before you would sleep," he suggested. "It's what? Midnight Tokyo time?"

"Something like that," she sighed. "Though it's normal for me to be up this late doing homework. Seven subjects, four clubs, all while trying to keep up on the language. Sleep was optional."

And yet you look healthier... "I know we talked about that, love," he sighed. "But I'm not going to waste my breath lecturing you if you can't be bothered listening."

"It's not that I can't be bothered," Hermione shrugged. "I'm capable of prioritising. If I thought it was harmful, I'd re-prioritise."

I doubt it, but I'm not going to antagonise you on your first full day back. "So, no reservations about going back next year?"

Hermione shook her head with a faint smile. "I'm looking forward to going back, actually."

"And yet you don't want to spend the year there?" Severus asked.

"I already told you I didn't and why," Hermione sighed but to his surprise leaned in close with a smirk. "So I don't care if there's a serial killer prowling the corridors and if I'm an exact match for their victimology, I want to do my school year here."

"That's not even remotely funny, Hermione Elizabeth!" he snapped. "Honestly, after last year, you of all people should know better!"

"S-sorry!" Hermione shrank back into her chair. "You're right. I-I wasn't thinking..."

"Evidently," he groaned. "Though I'm not too worried. The only new addition, aside from first years, to the school this year is the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, and he can't seem to tear his eyes from a mirror long enough to plot anyone's downfall. Yes, I imagine you'll be quite safe this year."

Hermione Snape and the Divergence Point: Vol #2Where stories live. Discover now