"God you have no respect for human bodies do you?" I asked angrily as I looked up at him.

"Definitely not for yours." He bit back as his eyes bore into mine.

"If you would stop being such a drama queen, you can actually let me just go get some ice and be out of your hair. Now is that so difficult for you Mr. Styles?" I questioned as he looked at me carefully.

"You can't do whatever the hell you wish to do. This isn't like your old house. You need to ask for everything and do whatever we say." Harry hissed as I groaned.

"God you're so annoying!" I said loudly as he exhaled heavily.

"You freaking knocked me out, can I just go fix my head ache please? Is that really so much to ask?" I looked at him sharply as I pressed my hand against my forehead again, starting to feel nauseous.

"You have quite the mouth don't you." He spoke darkly as he suddenly got on his knees and leaned close to me.

I widened my eyes slightly once he got all in my face, wrapping his hand in the back of my hair and yanking it painfully.

"You think you can just say and do whatever you want huh?" Although he was calm, he looked more intimidating than ever. My heart started racing as I tried to control my breathing, not knowing where this would lead us.

"You're such a spoiled little princess, aren't you Athena?" He taunted as I swallowed hard.

"Well not in my house." He growled before he pushed me back and slapped me hard across the face, taking me completely by surprise.

"That's for your damn attitude." He warned as he pointed a finger at me.

I gasped as I grabbed my face instantly, trying so hard to mentally force myself not to cry.

"Now you're gonna sit here till we're done coming up with a plan for this Bank, do you hear me?" He asked as I looked up at him and nodded my head slowly, not wanting anymore pain today.

"Good." He nodded his head before he eyed me one last time, turning around to go back to his circle.

I mentally groaned as I watched him storm off, hating how I was completely under his control. I couldn't roam around freely whenever I wanted nor could I even get up to simply grab myself an ice pack. What if I was super thirsty? Would they just let me be dehydrated and pass out?

They really don't care about me, and I think that terrifies me more than their aggressive side. Because if it came down to health, protection, and safety, they would destroy it all without empathy. They would let me starve to death for all they care.

I really gotta figure out how to get the hell out of here, and I need to figure it out fast.

It's felt like hours since I've been laying down on the couch, wondering when Harry was going to finally let me off the invisible chains. I was tired of doing absolutely nothing, given the fact that I was so adventurous and active when I was living back at home. I always had something to do when I was with my brothers. We were either always training together or going out for some fun.

But now I'm stuck here with a bunch of assholes, not given the privilege to do absolutely anything. I seriously hate it here already and it's only been a day. Why did my life turn around so quickly? Why did it have to reroute here?

As I sat here continuously waiting for the guys to finish their boring conversation, I started to smell a displeasing aroma that made me question where it was coming from. I narrowed my eyebrows as I looked around before I sat up and took a sniff of myself, realizing it was me. Gosh I need to shower, I stink.

I swear if Harry doesn't let me I'm actually going to throw a fit. I can't stand being unclean.

"Harry." I called out as I heard them conversing with each other.

I rolled my eyes as I realized he wasn't turning around, feeling frustrated that I had to even ask for permission to shower.

"Harry." I spoke louder before he turned around and narrowed his eyebrows at me.

"What?" He hissed as I kept a straight face.

"I need to use the bathroom." I commented as he narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

"You haven't ate or drank anything all day, how could you possibly need the restroom?" He replied as it dawned on me that he was right.

Holy crap I haven't ate all day, no wonder why I feel like absolute ass.

I widened my eyes slightly before I licked my dry lips.

"Not for that, I need to shower. I feel so dirty." I announced as I began itching myself.

"I don't trust you." He denied as I gasped.

"Dude are you serious? I smell like someone's asshole can I please use the shower? Do you want to come smell me yourself and decide from there? I hate being dirty." I ranted without thinking as my temper grew short.

He looked at me for a long time before he sighed and walked towards me, slowly giving in to my request.

"Fine, only because you do smell like ass. Come on." He breathed before he grabbed my arm tightly and yanked me up.

I tripped on my feet as I followed behind him, not thinking his manhandling behavior was necessary.

"You got your own shampoo stuff right?" He asked as we entered into the bathroom.

"Yeah it's in my duffle bag." I responded as I looked around the room.

"I'll go get it." He said before he disappeared briefly.

"Here. And hurry the hell up. If you take too long I'll get suspicious and punish you." He mentioned as he handed me my massive bag.

"Alright." I sassed before I slammed the door in his face and locked it, wanting nothing to do with him anymore.

"Don't slam my door!" Harry yelled as I groaned.

"Whatever!" I yelled back before I began searching for my shower stuff.

Finally, some peace and freaking quiet time away from that jerk hole.

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