Chapter 3

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"We need to start heading out, Harry." Niall says.

I grab the small bags we need. "Ok, but let's go over the plan one more time." I look at the guys.

"When we get into the club, spot our target. Louis will hack into the cameras of the club. Niall will be in the special room waiting for us. Liam will be our eyes and ears, and Harry and I will get the job done."

All the guys nod. "Alright lads, let's go have some fun shall we." Niall grins.

The five of us head out of the house, start up our bikes, and head off to the club.

We are going to this club named Red Dessert. It's this really dark club and all the lights are red. It's hard to spot people in there which is definitely going to make this job a little harder. We are looking for a guy who we did "business" with a few months ago. One of my good friends, Luke Hemmings, sold the guy some drugs, and they went to a party. The guy was so out of it. He apparently took a girl back to their hotel and he was planning on having sex with her. Well the poor lady didn't want to as she was high as well, so he got angry and decided that it was a good idea to beat the girl up. Just because she didn't want to have sex with him. Well Luke informed us of what happened and since he couldn't really do anything to the guy because he was also very out of it he decided to let us know as we would gladly take care of it. Because we do not and I mean do not let guys who touch women in a bad way get away with things like that. So now I'm sure you could guess what our job tonight is. Oh I'm very excited...

We're on the road on our way to the club and all I can think about is Jess. Jess Jess Jess. Jess has been on my mind since we met that night at the bar. And I had a good time yesterday with her. She's funny, considerate, and she understands me and we definitely think alike. And holy hell is she beautiful. She's a fucking goddess. But we're just friends. All we can be is friends. My life is too complicated for her to be a big part of. She deserves someone who can bring her something good in her life. But anyway what am I saying right? We could never be more and she doesn't feel anything for me. We're just friends, right?

Anyway, I can't be thinking about her. I have work to do tonight and we need to get this job done.


We arrive to Red Dessert and get off of our bikes.

Liam takes out our earpieces from the bag. "Okay these are the earpieces, they're really small so make sure they don't fall out of your ear." He hands us the earpieces and we all put them in our ears.

"Okay lads", I say with a terrifying grin. "Let's go have some fun." I clap my hands together.

We walk up to the guards ready to go in the club when they stop us. "I'm sorry but you can't go in." The one guard puts his hand in front of my body.

"And why can't we?" I say and look up to him. He's not that much bigger than me. He's definitely a couple inches taller. But I am wayyyy bulkier. This is gonna be easy.

"This is a member only club. You guys aren't on the list so I can't let you in." The guard says and stands his ground.

I chuckle with absolutely no humor. I shake my head and look down. I look back up to the guard and ask, "Can I ask what your name is?"

"Tim?" He says curiously.

"Well Tim, let me tell you something. We need to get into that club, and we don't want any problems, unless you want to make one?" I ask him and raise my one eyebrow at him. I take two little steps back, and raise the bottom of my shirt so he can see what I have on my waistband. I look back up at him and say, "So Tim, are we going to have a problem?" I say and lower my voice a couple notches.

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