There's a quiet knock on the door while Eren's hand just begins to trail its way down my chest, only prompting him to jolt upwards and pause his ministrations. "I told you to get ready," I tease as he pushes himself off of me to get off the couch. His print is completely exposed through his sweats as he looks down at me, his face slightly red from embarrassment. "And fix your boner, dummy."

"I'll be right back," he says and rubs his lips together, heading upstairs towards my bedroom to find an outfit from the clothes he brought over.

It's not a fancy event at all, but he can't wear his pajamas either. I sit up on the couch, trying to fix my hair while standing up and walking towards the door. I reach down and adjust my shirt, making sure it doesn't look like Eren and I were about to have sex on the couch. Reaching for the doorknob, I twist it to open the door, being greeted by Armin and Mikasa with gifts in their hands.

"Merry Christmas," Mikasa says while walking through the entrance with Armin following shortly after.

"How was your trip with Eren?" Armin asks while they carry their gifts to the tree, squatting down to place them on the rug underneath.

Eren and I didn't really run away because we were only gone for about two and a half weeks, but everyone knew about it just incase anything happened. "It was good, actually," I smile once they walk back over to me and hold up my necklace for them to see, "he gave me a promise ring."

"Wait, really?" Mikasa asks while reaching her hand out to carefully hold the ring on the tips of her fingers, "So soon? He's never done that with anyone, ever."

"Yeah, I was worried about it, too," I sigh.

"Don't be," she smiles, her eyes glancing up to meet mine, "he really loves you. He wouldn't do this if he didn't mean it."

Armin nods while glancing between the necklace and me, "She's right. I'm happy for both of you."

"Thank you, it's all because of you two," I tilt my head towards the kitchen for them to trail behind me, where I open a bottle of vodka and juice to mix with. Nothing fancy, but it's an easy mix to get drunk without having to deal with the pain of taking shots. I place a stack of solo-cups on the counter for future guests, then proceed to pour about two shots in everyone's cup, then fill up the rest of the cup with cranberry juice. I hand each of them a cup, leaving one poured drink for Eren.

I can hear the front door creak open and footsteps that head inside of the house towards the kitchen and I already know who it is. "Merry Christmas," Sasha says while stepping inside of the kitchen, immediately bringing me into a tight hug, "I missed you," she says under her breath. I haven't seen her since before my trip with Eren because I've been so busy studying that I didn't have time to see anyone. Once she loosens herself from my grasp, she pours herself a mixed drink. Jean and Connie are placing gifts underneath the tree, and it seems that Sasha made them carry her gifts as well. After they set down their gifts, they make their way towards the kitchen to greet the rest of the group.

"You're already drinking," Connie asks while making Jean and himself a drink, "I mean, I don't mind, though."

"It's barely 4pm," Jean mentions while glancing between me and his cup before reaching over for his drink, "But I can't complain."

It was awkward the last time I saw Jean, but I hope things are better this time. After all, he's one of my closest friends. "Is Annie coming?" Armin asks while taking a sip of his drink, leaning against the counter. "I haven't seen her in a while,"

"She should be, I invited her," I reply. I think he's always had a thing for Annie, but they've never really seen each other since she moved away. I don't know if she liked him back, but that's not my business to get involved with.

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