2: ' Why won't you listen?! '

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                 " Why did you leave me?.. "

'Ah, the start of a new school year. Nothing better. '

It was the 1st of September and that means, the first day of school. Ishimaru's favorite day, he loved going to school since it would keep him occupied, but... There was one thing he dreaded.

The bullying. The constant rumors spread about him and the worst of all... Mondo.

Mondo was what you would call, an enemy. Him and Ishimaru would be at each other's throat's almost every single day. All he wanted was for him to listen and of course, he never did.
The bell rung loudly, piercing his ears. Ishimaru was swiftly heading to class and of course, he bumps into Owada.

"Hey! Watch where the fuck yer goin'!" Mondo pushed him back, he had an agitated look on his face. "It was a mistake, I apologize! There's no need to become so hostile." Ishimaru had explained in his usual tone. The expression on Mondo's face seemed to become more aggressive, "I'm not bein' fuckin' hostile dipshit!" He yelled at him, pushing him again.
Ishimaru looked absolutely pissed, "Stop pushing me." He looked him directly in the eyes

                       " I'm alone again... "

"I miss you, I'm sorry."   An Ishimondo storyWhere stories live. Discover now