10: Bro cuddling.

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                         " Please get up... "

"Owada...?" Mondo stopped and turned around when he heard Ishimaru call him.
"Yeah, what is it dude?" Mondo shot him a confused look,,
"Can you.. Um... Stay a while longer with me?.. I'm scared..." Ishimaru mumbled, he didn't want to be alone during the storm even if Mondo would be in the other room.
"Oh, sure dude." He went back over to the bed and sat down next to him.
Mondo yawned, he was still really tired. He lied on his back, hands resting behind his head.
"I'm still goin' to sleep. I'm too tired for this shit." He strained his voice as he stretched his legs.
Ishimaru nodded, lying beside him. He was just glad that he didn't have to be alone.
Mondo was half asleep, he didn't want to fall completely asleep because he wanted to wait until he knew that Ishimaru was okay. It was strange but, he kind of cared about him a bit.

The thunder eventually got louder and louder, it had sounded like one hundred drummers had all been drumming at the same time. The heavy rain crashing against the windows, the lighting strikes causing the room to light up just a small bit. It was all so terrifying to him.
Ishimaru shut his eyes tightly, covering his ears.
The boy was visibly shaking again, on the verge of tears. He was trying his hardest not to cry or show that he was this scared.
"Ishimaru." Mondo glanced over at the raven haired boy, the sudden voice caught him off guard. He hadn't said anything in response causing Mondo to start talking once more.
"Don't think of this as weird or nothin' or I'll kill ya. But... You're scared.. C'mere." Mondo moved his arm, holding it out to the side.
"But-.." ,, Mondo quickly interrupted,
"Just come here. 'S fine."
Ishimaru nodded as he hesitantly moved closer to the biker,,
he was directly next to him, Mondo wrapping his arms around the slightly smaller boy tight.
"I'm just tryna get ya to calm down. That's it."
Mondo tiredly defended his reasoning for basically letting Ishimaru cuddle with him.
    Needless to say, Ishimaru was still terrified but.. He felt safer with Mondo holding him. He just laid his head on his chest, trying his absolute hardest to ignore the thunder.
"Stop paying attention to it." Mondo placed his hands over his ears, the thunder was muffled.
"Thank you..." He whispered just loud enough for Mondo to hear.
" 'S no problem."

                        " Is he breathing..? "

"I miss you, I'm sorry."   An Ishimondo storyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum