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"John and Baylee it has come to our attention that y'all are unemancipated minors living on your own." Cheryl says followed by a sigh.

John B scoffs "No...No." Then Cheryl cocks her head.

"No." John B says defensively.

I just sit there fidgeting with my hands.

"John, Baylee we need honesty to help you."

John B and I look at each other and shrug our shoulders.

"That's what we all want, right?" Cheryl says looking at my twin and then back at me.

"I'm being honest." John B says and then looks at me.

"Okay, them when was the last time y'all spoke to your uncle?" Cheryl writes something on her paper and then looks at us.

John B looks at his watch "Uh... 34 minutes ago."

"When's the last time you saw him?"Cheryl questions.

I look at John B and then back at Cheryl "2 hours and... 43 minutes ago." I look around the room.

Cheryl looks at John B and then me and says "John, Baylee, we are gonna come out there tomorrow to talk to your uncle. If he's not there, we're going to move forward with foster care. I want to assure yall, we're going to find you a safe and loving home."

They thought John  B and I would be happy to hear that.

And this is where the story starts our dad missing, our uncle MIA, and the bride of Frankenstein threatening foster care. But then we caught a break.

"Hurricane Agatha continues its steady march towards Kildare Island on the Outer Banks of North Carolina." A reporter from the news states.

"Holy shit!"John B and I say at the same time

Hurricane Agatha, coming in the same day DCS was supposed to do our assessment.

John B and I walk over to the docks and John B pulls out his phone.

"DCS, can I help you?" The women over the phone states.

"Yeah, uh... I think we're probably gonna have to reschedule." John B says.


Now John B, Pope, and I are going to surf the storm surge cause that's what us pouges do.

"It's a double overhead out there, bro."John B says while running up to the beach.

"Double overhead?" Pope questions.

"Woah." I say while looking at the waves.

Then lightning strikes and the thunder rumbles.

"Those aren't surfable waves, guys." Pope looks at John B and I

"Says who!" John B and I say at the same time as we run down to the ocean.

Next thing you know John B and I are attempting to surf the harsh waves.

"Oh shit." I fall off my board.

Then I spot a ship out in the ocean "John B come here" I say as I signal my twin over to me "You see that ship" I state and then look at John B

"Holy shit" John B remarks.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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