Su Su

483 20 11

Wanling Cave

The woman slowly turned. Ye Hua was mesmerised by her beauty. She has a perfect heart shaped face that looks ethereal. Her doe-like eyes widened and her petal-like full lips whispered his name "Ye Hua, find me....."

A teardrop made its way down her left check. The sadness reflected in her eyes piercing through his heart. Confusion reigns in his mind. Why does this woman's emotions affect him so? Who is she? How do I know her name? Questions were racing through Ye Hua's mind as he gazed at the woman in front of him. He walked forward with both his hands extended. The need to provide her comfort and protection is overwhelming. As he reached out to her, a thundering sound filled the forest and a raging inferno engulfed Su Su.

Ye Hua screamed and dove through the fire hoping to pull her out but he was thrown back by the pain that crashed through his body. He was burning..the heat of the fire searing his skin..his blood was boiling..excruciating pain raged within him...the feeling of overwhelming loss filled his heart before he felt himself falling into the dark void of nothingness.

Kunlun Mountain

Mo Yuan was in the lotus pond having tea with Di Jun and discussing whether they should let their allies know of the impending threat from the prophecy once they have more concrete information about it. Di Jun wanted to wait for Ye Hua's return before any decision was made. Mo Yuan brought the teacup to his lips when a crushing pain seared through his heart. He clutched his chest and doubled over. "Mo Yuan, what's wrong?" Di Jun caught Mo Yuan in his arms and propped him up on the side of the pond. Panting from the pain, Mo Yuan looked at Di Jun "It's Ye Hua, he's in danger."

Without wasting time, both Mo Yuan and Di Jun cloud jump straight to Wanling cave. There they found Ye Hua slumped against the side of Tian Zhu who is trying to lead him out of the cave. Mo Yuan carried the unconscious Ye Hua and he together with Di Jun cloud jumped back to Kunlun. "Chang san, prepare the elixir chamber. Ling Yu, fetch Zhe Yan from the Peach Tree Grove." They brought Ye Hua directly to the infirmary with Tian Zhu remaining at the entrance whilst Di Jun and Mo Yuan laid Ye Hua into a bed. Di Jun scanned Ye Hua's body. There is nothing physically wrong that he can find but he can feel distress in his mind and his heart rate is abnormally high. He raised his hand and nodded to Mo Yuan. Understanding what Di Jun wanted to do, Mo Yuan also raised his hand and both transferred healing cultivation to Ye Hua but to no effect. Ye Hua remained unconscious.

Zhe Yan rushed into the room. "What happened, Mo Yuan?" "I don't know Zhe Yan. I felt a sharp pain in my chest, that's how I knew that Ye Hua was in trouble." Tian Zhu told me that he touched the wall of the cave where the prophecy was written and he just lost consciousness. Zhe Yan moved next to the bed and pulsed his cultivation around Ye Hua. He checked his vitals and his spirit thoroughly. "He is fine now. He just needs rest and he will wake up in a few hours." He inclined his head to both Di Jun and Mo Yuan wordlessly asking them to follow him out. Mo Yuan threw a protection barrier around the room and asked Tian Zhu to keep watch before making his way to his study where he knew Di Jun and Zhe Yan were waiting. From the look in Zhe Yan's face he knew that he'll have questions about what Ye Hua was doing in Wanling Cave and the prophecy.

Qing Qui Training Ground

Bai Qian stood at the edge of the training ground watching Bai Zhen put their trainees through sword practice. She is happy with the progress their army has achieved so far. Although Qing Qui didn't have an organised army, all adults had enough fighting skills to defend themselves and Qing Qui if needed. What Bai Zhen, Bai Yi, her father and her are doing is honing their fighting skills and mold them into an elite army who can ruthlessly and seamlessly defeat any kind of enemies.

She and her mother have also been training the women in hand to hand combat and strengthening their use of fox magic. Her niece Feng Jui has been a revelation in training. Her sword skills and magic have improved beyond expectations. She is leading her own group of trainees at the far end of the training ground. Bai Qian decided to head towards her group. She crossed the field, observing the trainees, calling out encouraging words to those she noticed were struggling when she felt a stabbing pain in her heart and lost consciousness.

Bai Qian moaned and clutched her chest. The pain has gone but she felt an uneasiness lingering. She felt someone's agony and pain but she doesn't know who and why? She opened her eyes to the sight of Zhe Yan leaning over her with her mother sitting beside her bed in the fox den holding her hand. "How do you feel Xiao Wu?" Zhe Yan asked. "I am fine Zhe Yan, I felt a searing pain in my heart earlier but it's completely gone now." "That's good Xiao Wu. Take this elixir. It will help you rest. I'll come and check on you again tomorrow." Empress Meili kissed her daughter's forehead and followed Zhe Yan out of the room.

Bai Qian turned and buried her head in her pillow and pulled the quilt up to cover her shoulders. She slowly drifted to sleep and a dream of Xūwú shìjiè.

Xūwú shìjiè

"How do I access and harness this ancient power, Heavenly Mother?" Bai Qian asked, looking Nuwa straight in the eyes. "I will teach you. But first there is someone I want you to meet. Bai Qian took the hand that Nuwa extended to her. She was led to a lake where a man was fishing. As they got nearer the man turned his head to smile at them. Bai Qian's eyes widened. She recognised that face!

Nuwa stopped by the man who was now standing waiting for them. She turned to Bai Qian and said "Qian Qian, this is my husband Fuxi"

Xūwú shìjiè (The Unmade World)

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