42. The morning after

Start from the beginning


After nicking some of his toothpaste and using my finger as a toothbrush, I finally emerged from the bathroom. Seb was still in the chair but was looking at something on his phone, still frowning, still pouting. I eyed the bed suspiciously, noticing that both sides of it had been slept in. Did he sleep in there with me? Did we get up to anything?

"If you're wondering where I slept last night, then yes I slept next to you and no, nothing happened. Like I said, you vomited on your dress so when I got you back here I took it off and put you straight to bed. You were completely out of it." He explained briefly and gruffly.

My eyes shot up to meet his. It must have been awful for him having to deal with me in that state, I felt so ashamed of myself.

"You're lucky it was me putting you to bed and not Miles, otherwise fuck knows what state you'd be in this morning." He added, letting me easily detect a jealous and bitter tone to his voice.

"How did I end up here?" I asked, still completely baffled as to how I'd started the night with Miles and ended it with Seb.

"You really don't remember a thing about last night?" He got up from his chair and threw his phone across the bed in my direction. "Maybe this will refresh your memory."

His phone had landed on the bed, close to where I was standing, face down and I tentatively picked it up and turned it over in my hands. An image of me sitting with Miles in the booth, in the club, was staring back at me. He looked like he was playing with my hair and I suddenly remembered that part of the night, it was quite early on. Although we hadn't been doing anything that we shouldn't have been the image made us look cosy and comfortable with each other's company, implying that there was something going on between us to those who didn't know any better.

"Keep scrolling." Seb demanded, sitting back down in his chair and leaning his elbows on his knees.

I wasn't sure I wanted to but I did as he said and slid my finger to the left of the screen. The next image was a little grainy but showed myself and Miles dancing extremely closely, his hands were underneath my dress making it ride up to expose almost all of my thighs - I couldn't remember that happening at all. I scrolled once more and was faced with an image of me and him outside, getting it on against his Ferrari; I'd been lifted from the floor, we were kissing and my legs were wrapped around his waist. Again, it was another part of the night that I had absolutely no recollection of at all. I dropped Seb's phone back down to the bed. I honestly didn't know what to say, there was no way I could defend myself. With my banging head and nausea, I now felt even worse.

"You've made the press." Seb uttered in disgust. "Those images are all over the internet."

I stood there in silence, I didn't know where to begin in terms of explaining myself. But then I remembered - he had dumped me, he'd wanted to cool things off and he cut me adrift, with zero fucks given for the facts that I loved him and had been pregnant with his child.

"Have you got nothing to say for yourself?" He asked, rising sharply from his chair and glaring at me from across the bed.

I found my voice and let him have it, launching into a high pitched, almost screaming tirade at him. "How dare you! How fucking dare you! You've got no idea how hard things have been for me these last few weeks! You dumped me! You disappeared up your own asshole and you cut me off as though I meant nothing and refused to speak to me! Its your fault I lost this baby, you didn't want it or me so don't go giving me shit for wanting to have a good time with a man who actually cared and wanted to spend to time with me! Just because you don't want me it doesn't mean that no one else can have me either!"

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