Chapter 4

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A hallucination, more like a miracle.
There was a bright light coming from outside my window, directed to the spaceship.
Was I dying? Did I died in my sleep and was that just my way in the after life?
Not yet.

Then it hit me. 

Not the light.

Don't take it literally.

The bright light was coming from no other but the second half of our spaceship.
Finally, after months, they were back. 
I could've finally get my little girl back in my arms.

I sprinted out of my room to get to our main.
I swear, I've never ran that fast in my life, I was very close from passing out.

When I arrived, everyone was staring at the spaceship that has just reattached to us, waiting for a sign from the inside. 

Few minutes passed by. Still no sign from whoever is in that ship.

"What's taking so long?" I'm very impatient if you haven't noticed yet.

"Calm down, they need time to settle." Blanchard made his appearance.

"Don't you dare tell a mother to calm down after not seing her daughter for months." I tried to push him, he didn't even flinch.

It was time, the hatch finally opened revealing... a bunch of elder people I've never seen in my entire life. Back in the Ark, I would've never think that someone would get that old. 

I was very fazed by the vision of these people but I was really looking for my daughter.

"Allen? Is that you?" One of the old guys stepped out, walking towards Blanchard.
Yeah, Blanchard's name is Allen. He hated his name.

"Dad?" Blanchard got closer to the man, looking at him from head to toes. 
He knew it was his father because he was the only one to call him "Allen" but, what didn't sit right with him, was the fact that this man, looked nothing like his dad.

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