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The next day I woke up and i felt so disgusting, I still had my clothes on from the night before and I reeked of alcohol and sweat I quickly got in the shower and washed my body. When I got out the shower I put lotion and tights and a shirt on then I brushed my teeth and washed my face then I heard a knock on my door

Carmen: hey Haven it's me

Me: come in girl

Carmen: good morning sunshine
(She was giggling )

Me: lmao good morning honey bun

Carmen: how you feeling about last night and your first drop?

Me: Honestly I'm feeling pretty good it felt kinda normal, I know it's weird for me to say that especially because I am a newbie but it's not my first time getting a gun pulled out on me yk and definitely probably wouldn't be my last

Carmen: well at least you're not shook up about cause most people would probably get nervous

Me: true but I'm used to this back in North Carolina me and Issac used to see people kill each other all the time especially kids, the kids were so innocent but because most of them were poor and in streets the drugs and dealers got to them and made them steal, sell, or even kill sometimes. That's what made me wanna be a pediatric nurse so I can help kids

Carmen: damn girl that's rough, I've been in this life for as long as I can remember I'm not new to drugs or fighting or killings my parents were hooked bad as hell, I'm talking heroin, coke, percs, any drug out there you name it they are in it or have done it. It gotten bad to the where they even sold me to some drug dealers for some drugs that's when I left New York and never looked back

Me: Damn my parents died and yours gave you away talk about sum deep ass trauma and traumatic experiences

Carmen: hell yea we definitely need sum therapy (she laughed)

Me: LMAOOO facts

Carmen: anyway you wanna come with me a Cody to Waffle House

Me: Yesss I'm so hungry and I did not feel like cooking

Carmen: same Ight be down in ten minutes

Me: ight bet

I really didn't have that much to do other than my hair but I was just going to put it in a slick back and call it a day. Before I went downstairs tho I went to go see makeo to check on him, I figured he was in his office because he didn't answer the door when I knocked on his bedroom Door

Me: knock knock Makeo it Haven


Me: Makeo

Me: well damn I guess the dude ain't here

I walk downstairs meeting Cody in the living room

Me: wassup white boyy!

Cody: wassup  big head

Me: boy stfu
(I punched him in the arm)

Cody: damn Ts hurt

Me: as it should

Cody: whatever, how you sleep

Me: like a baby, how about you?

Cody: good I was so fucked up last night

Me: Yea Leo had to put you in the bed

Cody: yea yea

Me: have you seen makeo?

Cody: nah I haven't seen him this morning but he probably left

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