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A week later........

We all came to Emerald Isle Beach in North Carolina because it was one of Javi favorite beaches here, he loved it because of the history behind it and it is beautiful and rated North Carolina's best beach so I guess that's why he loved it so much. The colors were royal blue and white because Blue was his favorite color and he always said that white gave him a sense of innocence and value of being new.

"Hey Brother how are you holding up" I asked him

"Girl I'm a mess, I-I don't know what to do I just can't handle it right now" he said crying

"Hey-hey look I know it's hard babe and I know you feel like you can't handle it but trust me you are a very very very strong man and you will get through this brother, it is okay to let it out cry all you want but just know that your husband Javi will always be with you and not even death could stop his love for you" I said hugging him tight

"I love you so much sis" Issac said

"I love you too" I said

"Ight let's go put the love of my life in the water" Issac said laughing

"Boy now is not the time to make jokes" I said with a light giggle

As we made it to the beach from the hotel everyone else was waiting for us while we got there and not gonna lie they all looked good It was a mix of blue and white dresses and suits, if we weren't in the circumstances that we are in then this would be a bomb ass group picture of them.

"Thank all of y'all for coming today, it's a sad occasion as it is we are celebrating the life and love of Javier Jones he was a beloved husband and friend and one of the best people I have ever met in my life"Issac says with glassy eyes

"Take your time babe" Carmen said

"Whew it's umm hard to do this because I'm loosing my best friend and the love of my life I don't know what I will do with out him in this world not next to me" Issac said crying

"Umm Haven can you lead the rest of the funeral?" Issac asked me

"Yes of course"I said hugging him

"Javi was a gentle soul and a good man I know y'all didn't really know him and he didn't know y'all but I know that he respects and appreciate you guys being here to honor him with us" I said

After I finished speaking me and Issac spread his ashes in the ocean, the rest of the crew stepped back to give us space to do so and once we were finished Issac started to cry in my arms

"It's okay bro let it out" I said crying as well

I felt a whole bunch of arms wrap around us it was nice we all just stayed there and held each other and we felt like a family the we have a strong back bone and a support system something that me and Issac never got to experience growing up especially with our our parents it was nice.
A few hours later
We we're back at the condo that Makeo had rented out for us, we were eating dinner

"Guys really thank y'all for coming" Issac said

"Of course babe, I mean it was my fault that it happened anyway" Brandy said

"Javi never lets anybody disrespect people especially if they are his people that's just one thing he always did was stand up for people" I said

"I think I'm going to stay here for a while to clear my head and get in the right headspace" Issac said

"Yea that will be good for you but the rest of us will be leaving tomorrow we have a lot of work to do" Makeo said
The next day

"Are you sure that you don't want me to stay with you" I asked Issac

"Yes sis I'm sure, I just really need time to myself and to breathe yk" he said to me

"I know I just don't want you out here by yourself" I said

"Trust me I'll be fine sissy, I'm grown" he said

"Yea a grown ass man child" I said giggle

"You're not wrong"he said laughing

A knock on the door

"Come in" Issac said

"Hey Issac we just wanted to say bye and tell Haven we're ready" Carmen said

"Okay"I said

As we all said our byes we got into the cars on the way to the lion's private jet for some reason the flight back to Chicago seemed longer than a 1hr and 36 mins I guess it's because I was talking to Makeo the whole time, Leo and Carmen we're watching a movie in the back, Cody was playing a game, Lesly and Brandy were sleep, and Dominic Chloe and Kim were talking amongst them selves and reading.

"Hey mama are you okay?" Makeo asked me

"Yea I'm just worried about my brother" I said

"Yea it's hard loosing the love over your life like that, but it will get better over time you just need to surround him with love and support and you have to be there for him" I said grabbing my hand and squeezing it lightly

"Yea i know I also need to let him have time to himself too so I guess it was good for him to stay, I'm just so stressed and scared for him you feel me" I said with tears in my eyes

"Yes I completely feel you, come here and give me a hug" Makeo said spreading his arms out

I get up and go hug him and get on his lap soon laying my head on his shoulder, he lifts my head up and cuffs my face with his hand while the other one was holding my lower back
"I got you mama remember that" he said

"Thank you" I said to him

He looks me in my eyes and feels like he was staring into my soul, he landed a slow peaceful kiss on my lips and I kissed him back making the kiss stronger but still peaceful

"Yoooo boss where is th-, ewwwww y'all get a room" Cody said shaking his head

"Man shut up"Makeo said to him looking at him with a mean face

"Man whatever but where are the batteries"

"Idk man check the top drawer near the bar" makeo said in frustration

"Ight y'all can continue doing what y'all was doing" Cody said leaving the room

"Sooo shall we start where we left off?" Makeo said with a smirk

I yawned " nah I'm sleepy" I said

"Ight mama go ahead and get some rest"he said

"Mhmm"I said halfway sleep

"Sweet dreams darling" he said
Heyyy babes sorry for the late update I know I'm slacking, thank y'all so much for reading ❤️❤️🤎💕

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