where did I leave off

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I'm smart haha

Narrators POV

Imma make this quick.

While Hank & Tricky were fighting, Tricky was mostly eating.

If you know what I mean (dirty mind)

So anyways

After they killed all the grunts they uh-

Went to Deimos & Sanford's house or something-

Hank told Tricky to hide or something- he doesnt wanna be called out or something- or its embarrased-

So anyways Hank knocked on the door.

Deimos yelled who is it.

Hank said absolutley nothing. Didnt even make a sound.

"Coming!" Deimos shouted.

If somebody knocks on the door and says nothing, Deimos & Sanford know its Hank.

If a grunt did that

He'd be breathing-

Like being able to hear it from inside cuz of the lack of oxygen in Nevada ok back to the story JE HDODHJDJDVEJKELDIEJENE WIDIDIDIIDI VIDIDIDIIDID BIDIDIDIIDIDI

Deimos opened the door before he ran to some room in the house.

Deimos opened the door before he ran to some room in the house

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150 words

Hank x TrickyWhere stories live. Discover now