a lovely yet embarrassing morning

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-Sasuke pov- ~the next morning~

I wake up to feeling a lot of pain in my ass and all over my body for that matter

Ugh what the hell why am I so sore-

I sit up pulling the cover off me to see not just naked Naruto but my body covered head to toe in hickeys and bite marks

That wasn't a dream
Oh my fucking god it wasn't a dream!
Naruto said he loved me and I- and i said it too! And then we had sex-

I smile and look back at Naruto who was sleeping peacefully and at the moment all the memories of last night hit me

I can't help but blush at all the lewd things i said and did
But i guess i don't regret it
I feel happy
I'm happy with Naruto i don't care what we do together
As long as I'm with him

I crawl over into Naruto's arms and start to place a bunch of little kisses on his face
Until he started to wake up

"Hmm- Sasuke?" Naruto yawns pulling me closer into his chest

"Good morning naru~ it's time to get up~"

"Mhm give me 10 more minutes"

Well now ik he isn't a morning person

"Naruto! Dobe get up!" I smack him and glare at him

"Okay I'm up!!!" Naruto pouts sitting up

I think he noticed all of the marks he left on my body

"Woah what happened to you?" He said smirking and laughing

I sit up slowly and smack Naruto again

"YOU DUMBASS YOUR PERVERT ASS HAPPENED TO ME!" I blush before laying into his chest

Naruto laughs and kisses my head

"I know! i know! But what can I say I'm just claiming my territory baby boy~"

"You stupid flirt~"

I then pull Naurto into a kiss
I swear
I love this man so much
The way i feel like i melting with his touch and kisses
The way he makes me happy
And the way he makes me feel so safe and loved

"I love you idiot"
I say before climbing back into his chest

"I love you too baby boy~"

- 1hour later- -sauske pov-

"Baby boy we need to clean up~, as much as i love the constant reminders of the amazing love we made last night, we need to take baths and wash the sheets as well as get something to eat and drink"

"Okay okay i get it! It's not my fault my ass hurts from being pounded into last night!"

"I meann your the one that asked to ride me sooo"

I ache in pain as i sit up and grab my phone

Naruto stares at me for a little before getting up and walking over to me kissing my head

"How about i clean you up and make you breakfast while you get dressed and lay down?"

I blush and put my phone in my face


Naruto smiles before walking away
And i smile back

"Ugh Sakura and her blowing up my phone I'll just call her"

I call Sakura and she pics up instantly


Sasuke: hi Sakura, why the hell do I have over 57 texts from you

My Stupid Flirt~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang