Chapter one :❤️‍🩹 Harry Angst❤️‍🩹

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Harry was Stuck at the Dursley's, after Two years of The Dursley's Tormenting him. He just didn't care anymore... he was no longer, the Happy Golden Boy, of the Wizarding world. Harry had become more like Lily, but with a Mixture of Snape.

Harry had taken an Interest in potions. Once he got back from his Friend, Jacobs House, to find a Letter Addressed to him, he opened it, he read it:

Dear Mr.Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you ill Come back to Finish your Seventh year at Hogwarts.

Sincerely, Professor Mcgonagal

Harry Rolled his Eyes at this, he clearly didn't want to go but he Went anyway because His "friends" forced him to. He got a couple Letters from Hermione and Ron:

Dear Harry,

I hope your Okay, I mean after the War. So many we Lost, Including half of your Family. I do feel bad for you though.
I will be Coming over.

Love, Hermione

Harry Tried to Smile but he Just couldn't. He put on "Water fountain from Alec Benjamin". Harry Wished he had Parents and A family that Loved him. Harry's relatives, The Dursley's Left him this house, After they Died, the only Dursley That didn't die was Dudley, but he Changed.

Hermione's POV

I went to the Dursley's To find a Very sad Harry, Listening to.. I don't know? I asked" Harry, What song is this". Harry said, Whispered" water Fountain by Alec Benjamin" I sobbed" Harry why didn't you tell us?". Harry Sighed" I didn't feel the Need to". I hugged Him.

Suddenly I heard another Apparation, It was Ron. He Said, saddened" H-Harry? H-Hermione?". I said" R-Ronald" (A/N- I will Explain to you the AU in the Next Page)

Healing a Broken Heart ❤️‍🩹 Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum