BB22 - Saving Private Kaysar [Enzo]

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Male!Reader x Male Warning
NSFW mentions

You will be replacing David.

You: This fucking sucks!

Kevin: So you don't like that I'm safe?

You: No, not that! But now we're probably setting up Kaysar's eviction for good...

Kevin: It might be for the best, ya know.

You: And let the other side run shit, and run us? I think not!

Kevin had just won a very strenuous Power of Veto. You really wanted to win something this season, but ultimately decided against it and gave it to the Blasian. Now, you need to figure out a way to save Kaysar from eviction, knowing Kevin would take himself off of the block. Suddenly, an idea hits you!

You: I gotta go talk to someone.

Kevin: Alright, just know that Kaysar's probably going home!

Kevin seems unusually happy about this, not something you were expecting, but now is not the time to mull over details. You quickly grab Bayleigh and pull her into the storage room.

Bayleigh: What's up?

You: Very weird question, but has Enzo talked to you about sex?

Bayleigh: What!? I mean, yeah, but like once.

You: Did he mention how long it has been since he last had sex?

Bayleigh: Too long to cou- why are you asking this?

You: We need to not only save King K, but we also need to send the surfer boy out of here!

Bayleigh: Doesn't Tyler want to go home?

You: I don't know, something tells me Enzo won't do it... without proper motivation.

Bayleigh gives me this look that says "Stop it." I don't care though. She and I very much know that the game has not been going in our favor and Kaysar leaving would be detrimental for us. We made alliance between us, Janelle, and Da'vonne week 2, and the alliance has been slowly chipping away from us! We NEED to save ourselves and go after the other side, and Enzo has to be our ticket.

You: I'll talk to him tonight.

Bayleigh: Are you sure that's all you're going to do?

You: I'll start a conversation, and see where it goes from there. Thanks for understanding Bayleigh!

Bayleigh: I really don't...

But you're already walking out of the storage room.


It's 3:23 AM. You know the live feeders are probably begging you to go to sleep, but you don't care. Enzo is still up, talking to no one in the HoH room, and everyone else is either asleep, or chatting it up in other rooms.

You knock on the door leading to the HoH room, and Enzo yells something that sounds like "It's open." Hearing this, you open the door and let yourself in, and there he is: pacing back and forth in nothing but white shorts that you can see the outline of his dick, and a black Bayonne hat covering his bald head. He has nothing else on. You don't know exactly why he turns you on. Maybe it's his six pack, he did mention that he had been working out a lot. Maybe it's his weird outfit choices that somehow seem to work only for him. Or maybe it's his personality, he is funny as HELL and his New Jersey accent is the cherry on top! Everyone loves Enzo, that's his strategy, and everyone knows that it's working. After watching him pace a little more, you take your chance to strike.

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